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covertly - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of covertly in Hindi

  • छिपकर
  • गूढ़ रीति से
  • छिपे तौर पर

covertly Definition


  • without being openly acknowledged or displayed; secretly.

covertly Example

  • a transcript of a covertly taped meeting ( एक गुप्त रूप से टेप की गई बैठक का एक प्रतिलेख )
  • She covertly accepted the copied transcriptions of the young woman's notebook that Cynthia presented to her. ( उसने गुप्त रूप से उस युवती की नोटबुक के कॉपी किए गए ट्रांसक्रिप्शन को स्वीकार कर लिया जो सिंथिया ने उसे भेंट की थी। )
  • It would convert a treaty of peace covertly into an act, annihilating the political existence of one of the parties. ( यह शांति की संधि को गुप्त रूप से एक अधिनियम में परिवर्तित कर देगा, जिससे पार्टियों में से एक के राजनीतिक अस्तित्व को नष्ट कर दिया जाएगा। )
  • It covertly but most efficaciously undermined the customs which it pretended merely to interpret. ( इसने गुप्त रूप से लेकिन सबसे प्रभावशाली ढंग से उन रीति-रिवाजों को कमजोर कर दिया, जिन्हें उसने केवल व्याख्या करने का नाटक किया था। )

More Sentence

  • Saint-Just himself had only covertly proposed so extensive and so sweeping an operation.  
  • Craig, eyeing his bride covertly, had a sense of her remoteness, her unattainability.  
  • Barry covertly watched Natalie while Leyden's rattish characteristics were under discussion.  
  • His father, remonstrative, but covertly proud of the excess, had paid his bills and brought him home.
  • As he maneuvered the truck through muddy ruts in the drive, she covertly studied his profile.
  • The Amatola mountains were stormed; and the paramount chief Kreli, who all along covertly assisted the Gaikas, was severely punished.
  • Washington insists Tehran is covertly trying to build a nuclear bomb.
  • The " payload " is the data covertly communicated.
  • A single participant can legally, and covertly record a conversation.
  • It's difficult to see covertly in a sentence .
  • Orlando covertly escapes Constantinople in the company of a Gypsy clan.
  • After a few months he covertly returned to the United States.
  • A mysterious organization covertly pursues Tom in search of the negatives.
  • The couple began a relationship covertly despite Pearlman's wishes.
  • After this conversation, Cecelia covertly leaves Rotterdam for Rockhouse Major.
  • There are probably such groups in action right now, covertly.
  • It was one thing to covertly admire Alex, but quite another to stand here discussing him as though he were high dollar merchandise at a low bid auction... and why was Katie so concerned?
  • She eyed Giddon covertly.
  • We were part of a team that repeatedly travelled covertly to Honduras and.
  • Whether overtly or covertly stated, it is apparent that the mother has failed.
  • He narrowed his eyes, cleared his throat and scratched his chin, covertly shaking his head.
  • He drifted from coast to coast, until covertly returning to Citadel City eight years later.
  • Look at the couple on that table, said Stan covertly during a lull in the conversation.
  • Steve discovered that you have been using the Hesperian’s systems to communicate covertly with Earth.
  • How on earth was he going to explain this scene? He covertly moved his leg to try to cover up his nakedness.
  • They all took some ecstasy and snorted some more cocaine and Charles covertly slipped some Viagra into his mouth.
  • In the Labyrinth (dedicated to Queen Elizabeth of England), a discussion of the freedom of the will, he covertly assailed the Calvinistic doctrine of predestination, and showed that his views were tinged with Socinianism.
  • These patches can not be covertly removed and they will detect any drug that has been used while the patch was in place.
  • Vanessa covertly observes him as he sets their dinnerware at the table, while she cooks their dinner.  
  • Therefore, sending him to operate covertly behind enemy lines was a tremendous risk for the regime.  
  • I need you to go in covertly and collect as much information as possible so that I can present it to those thickheads and get approval.  
  • At twenty-five past six I turned on the hot water in the bath, and covertly swallowed a small glass of brandy.  
  • Pit stops on the road are not so much for going to the bathroom as it is to covertly scarf down another spot of drink.  
  • For all it pretends to laugh at that 1950s ideal, covertly the film celebrates it.
  • Apparently, the observed talismanic activity is subtle sorcery and done covertly.