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courtesies - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of courtesies in Hindi

  • शिष्टाचारों
  • शिष्टाचार
  • सौजन्य
  • विनम्रता
  • भद्रता
  • शील

courtesies Definition


  • the showing of politeness in one's attitude and behavior toward others.

courtesies Example

  • Similar courtesies were exchanged during the jubilee of 1897, and again in March 1902, when Edward VII. ( 1897 की जयंती के दौरान और फिर मार्च 1902 में एडवर्ड सप्तम के दौरान इसी तरह के शिष्टाचार का आदान-प्रदान किया गया। )
  • And, with mutual courtesies, the little old maid and I went on our respective ways. ( और, आपसी शिष्टाचार के साथ, छोटी बूढ़ी नौकरानी और मैं अपने-अपने रास्ते पर चले गए। )
  • In 1899 there was further an interchange of courtesies between the archbishop of Canterbury and Constantine V., patriarch of Constantinople. ( 1899 में कैंटरबरी के आर्कबिशप और कॉन्स्टेंटिनोपल के कुलपति कॉन्सटेंटाइन वी के बीच शिष्टाचार का आदान-प्रदान हुआ। )
  • The good knight is bound to endless fantastic courtesies towards men and still more towards women of a certain rank; he may treat all below that rank with any decree of scorn and cruelty. ( गुड नाइट पुरुषों के प्रति अंतहीन शानदार शिष्टाचार के लिए बाध्य है और एक निश्चित रैंक की महिलाओं के प्रति और भी अधिक; वह उस रैंक से नीचे के सभी लोगों के साथ तिरस्कार और क्रूरता के किसी भी फरमान के साथ व्यवहार कर सकता है। )

More Sentence

  • The Ambassador was welcomed at the airport with the usual courtesies.
  • Children should be taught simple courtesies such as 'please' and 'thank-you' at a very young age.
  • It would be all a-wearying with their manners and their courtesies and such like daft woman's gear!
  • But, though the courtesies and the humanities and even the decencies of the old order have vanished so completely, the exactions remain much the same as they were.
  • After a brisk exchange of courtesies during which a smart upper cut of the military man brought blood freely from his opponent's mouth the lamb suddenly waded in all over his man and landed a terrific left to Battling Bennett's stomach, flooring him flat.
  • Still determined not to collapse in fear, Abra sat up and said in archaic Arabic, "Honorable host, please treat this guest with the courtesies traditionally vouchsafed to strangers.
  • Rules for regulating the Courtesies founded on Precedence of Age, Office, and Station, in a Democracy.
  • Universally, in this Country, through every class of society, precedence is given to woman, in all the comforts, conveniences, and courtesies, of life.
  • All the proprieties and courtesies, which depend on the recognition of the[Pg 139] relative duties of superior and subordinate, have been warred upon; and thus we see, to an increasing extent, disrespectful treatment of parents, from children; of teachers, from pupils; of employers, from domestics; and of the aged, from the young.
  • Embassies and courtesies were, indeed, interchanged, and on the 31st of March 1244 a treaty was signed at Rome, whereby the emperor undertook to satisfy the pope's claims in return for his own absolution from the ban.
  • But on the 5th of March he was appointed by President Jackson secretary of state, an office which probably had been assured to him before the election, and he resigned the governorship. As secretary of state he took care to keep on good terms with the "kitchen cabinet," the group of politicians who acted as Jackson's advisers, and won the lasting regard of Jackson by his courtesies to Mrs John H.
  • It's difficult to see courtesies in a sentence .
  • The result was of importance, as it was known that Brazil was on friendly terms with Chile, and this interchange of courtesies had some effect in bringing about a settlement of the controversy between Chile and Argentina over the Andean frontier question without recourse to hostilities
  • An interchange of courtesies with the Metropolitan of Kiev on the occasion of the Booth anniversary of the conversion of Russia (1888), led to further intercourse, which has tended to a friendlier feeling between the English and Russian churches.
  • The appointment was an honourable distinction without political or naval import: the "Franklin" was, to all intents, for the time being, a yacht at Farragut's disposal; and her arrival in the different ports was the signal for international courtesies, entertainments and social gaiety.
  • Similar cases of the judge's readiness to construe courtesies as bribes may be found in notices of trials and books of ana.
  • The graceful Herbert, whose smooth cheek had flushed with joy at Henrietta's musical courtesies, became for a brief day the mock Lord Keeper of Charles II.
  • At Vienna men always make courtesies, instead of bows, to the emperor; in France nobody bows at all to the king, nor kisses his hand; but in Spain and England, bows are made, and hands are kissed.
  • Fourth, that he use all common courtesies; Sit bare at meales, and one halfe raise and wait.
  • And what was her present behaviour more than that of a fine lady who considered form and show as essential ingredients of human happiness, and imagined all friendship to consist in ceremony, courtesies, messages, and visits? in which opinion, she hath the honour to think with much the larger part of one sex, and no small number of the other.
  • Please favour her with every facility to examine the exhibits in the several Departments, and extend to her such other courtesies as may be possible.