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courage - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of courage in Hindi

  • साहस
  • पराक्रम
  • छाती
  • प्रताप
  • हिम्मत
  • दिलेरी

courage Definition

  • the ability to do something that frightens one. ( कुछ करने की क्षमता जो एक को डराती है। )

courage Example

  • That gives him the strength and courage to confront whatever evil may be awaiting him. ( इससे उसे जो भी बुराई का इंतजार हो सकता है, उसका सामना करने की शक्ति और साहस मिलता है। )
  • I love her honesty and her courage , and I know it's taken a great deal of both for her to write her story. ( मुझे उसकी ईमानदारी और उसकी हिम्मत पसंद है, और मुझे पता है कि उसे अपनी कहानी लिखने के लिए दोनों का बहुत ध्यान रखना चाहिए। )
  • she called on all her courage to face the ordeal ( उसने अपने सभी साहस का आह्वान किया कि वह इस प्रक्रिया का सामना करे )
  • After all it takes a lot of courage and imagination to stand up to corporate bullies. ( आखिरकार कॉर्पोरेट बुलियों तक खड़े होने के लिए बहुत साहस और कल्पना की आवश्यकता होती है। )

More Sentence

  • Her courage has won her the hospital's bravery award and a special place in the hearts of the nurses.
  • To describe him as a leader of courage and integrity is asking too much of a very sceptical British public.
  • Great acts of courage happen every day, but heroes and heroines often go unrecognised.
  • His courage in facing his illness was inspirational and his death must be a release for him and his family.
  • He was adored by his men, not least for his courage , chivalry and handsome appearance.
  • It needed incredible skill and courage , but the squadron managed to breach two of the three dams.
  • We also owe thanks to those political leaders who had the moral courage to respond.
  • She showed a great deal of courage and strength playing through such a painful injury.
  • Your courage and determination in this time of turmoil gives us all strength!
  • The artistic director of a truly great company needs courage , intelligence and drive.
  • It is only now that many of these have the freedom and the courage to make their pain known.
  • Yet, for all their courage and endurance, they are hopelessly divided in their aims.
  • The courage of people who keep their love together till death do them part.
  • We might all hope we'd do the right thing if our courage were put to the test.
  • The courage she has shown in the face of adversity has been just incredible.
  • It is chilling to think it needed such courage for one excellent officer to stand up to her colleagues.
  • What he was, was real and ordinary, but with extraordinary courage in the face of his fear and his pain.
  • He had been defeated once too often, and his resources of courage were almost exhausted.
  • he fought his illness with great courage
  • Where are the politicians who have the ability and the moral courage to grasp it?
  • That spirit of optimism and courage still beckons people across the world who want to come here.
  • Then, drawing on every reserve of strength and courage , she drew the stinger forth.
  • To seek safety and protection in our country has taken courage and persistence.
  • That most shoulder this burden with little complaint says much for their courage and stoicism.
  • Don't be afraid to change your mind, as concession is often an act of courage .
  • In a democratic society, moral courage is an essential ingredient of leadership.