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cotton - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of cotton in Hindi

  • कपास
  • कॉटन
  • रूई
  • सूती कपड़ा
  • सूती धागा

cotton Definition


  • a soft white fibrous substance that surrounds the seeds of a tropical and subtropical plant and is used as textile fiber and thread for sewing.
  • the plant that is commercially grown for cotton products. Oil and a protein-rich flour are also obtained from the seeds.

cotton Example

  • a cargo of cotton and wheat ( कपास और गेहूं का एक कार्गो )
  • We are sympathetic to the laid-off workers, but no one would suggest the cotton gin not be installed. ( हम छंटनी किए गए कर्मचारियों के प्रति सहानुभूति रखते हैं, लेकिन कोई भी यह सुझाव नहीं देगा कि कॉटन जिन को स्थापित न किया जाए। )   
  • Who do you think makes more money: the one person who operates the cotton gin we discussed in the last chapter or one of the fifty people he replaced? ( आपको क्या लगता है कि कौन अधिक पैसा कमाता है: एक व्यक्ति जो कॉटन जिन का संचालन करता है, जिसकी चर्चा हमने पिछले अध्याय में की थी या उसके द्वारा बदले गए पचास लोगों में से एक? )
  • Petra glanced down at the thin cotton nightgown. ( पेट्रा ने पतले सूती नाइटगाउन पर नज़र डाली। )

More Sentence

  • One by one, the delegates of the cotton states.
  • That crack of yours about the cotton was swell.
  • Suddenly a woman in cotton appeared and shouted.
  • I noticed she was wearing a brown cotton dress.
  • She had wound thick cotton around the band to.
  • Cotton-picking is at once the most difficult and most expensive operation in cotton production.
  • Nothing definite can be said with regard to a rotation of crops upon the cotton plantation.
  • They paddled out to the ships in their canoes, and they brought fruit and balls of cotton yarn.
  • The pillow, in a cotton pillow-case, also much crumpled, was dragging on the floor.
  • Egyptian cotton in length of staple is intermediate between average Sea Island and average Upland.
  • Making cotton cloth into undergarments has become a manufacture in the unetymological sense of the word.
  • In the pioneer machines they were covered with cotton material which had not been treated to make it water-proof or air-proof.
  • In this the various adjacent turns are separated from each other by a fine thread of silk or cotton wound on beside the wire.
  • Having eaten, he rolled up his sleeves and native-made cotton trousers and proceeded to clean the cave.
  • With the consideration of cotton seed oil and meal we have not, however, exhausted its possibilities.
  • The dielectric strength of enamel insulation is much greater than that of either silk or cotton insulation of equal thickness.
  • The Western farmers were aggrieved because the price of wheat had been regulated and the price of cotton had not.
  • In spite of the clean culture, good crops of cotton have been grown on some soils in the south for more than forty successive years.
  • When the weather is not favourable at the fruiting stage, the otherwise hardy cotton plant displays its great weakness in this way.
  • It is difficult to get the hands to work until the cotton is fully opened, and it is hard to induce them to pick over 100 lb.
  • Bring me back a pair of these cotton jeans then.
  • She gave me a white cotton nightgown to put on.
  • When we finally got off, we grabbed cotton candy.
  • Do not use cotton wool directly on an open wound.
  • I'm wearing a pair of plain black cotton panties.
  • At an early date Hastings was placed in charge of an aurang or factory in the interior, where his duties would be to superintend the weaving of silk and cotton goods under a system of money advances.
  • Carigara is open to coast trade, exports large quantities of hemp, raises much rice, and manufactures cotton and abaca fabrics.
  • Up comes the cotton, down goes the woven cloth; up comes the silk, down goes the woollen; up come the books, but down goes the wit that writes them.
  • Her head felt heavy and like it was stuffed with cotton, the way she felt when she came to after surgery.
  • floccus, but many Teutonic languages have the same word in various forms), a tuft of wool, cotton or similar substance.
  • a cotton reel
  • He could not cotton with the manager.
  • Thick cotton padding embedded the precious vase in its box.
  • Black slaves used to work on the cotton plantations of the southern United States.
  • The firm puts out 1000 bales of cotton sheeting every week.
  • The per unit area yield of ginned cotton has increased by 10% over last year.
  • His mother quilted a cotton - padded anorak for him.
  • The blankets are made from wool and the sheets from cotton.
  • His style of humor was very human, and that's why people cotton to him.
  • They are dependent upon importation from foreign countries for cotton and grain.
  • a white cotton blouse