cortex - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of cortex in Hindi
cortex Definition
- the outer layer of the cerebrum (the cerebral cortex ), composed of folded gray matter and playing an important role in consciousness.
cortex Example
- The cortex of a young stem is usually green, and plays a more or less important part in the assimilative function. ( एक युवा तने का प्रांतस्था आमतौर पर हरा होता है, और आत्मसात करने के कार्य में कमोबेश महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है। )
- The information fed directly into Jonathan's cerebral cortex. ( जानकारी सीधे जोनाथन के सेरेब्रल कॉर्टेक्स में फीड की गई। )
- What is their relationship to the visual cortex? ( दृश्य प्रांतस्था से उनका क्या संबंध है? )
- With the collapsed lung and the damaged cerebral cortex? ( ढह गए फेफड़े और क्षतिग्रस्त सेरेब्रल कॉर्टेक्स के साथ? )
More Sentence
- The whole cylinder is enclosed by the peculiarly differentiated innermost cell-layer of the cortex, known as the endodermis.
- The inner layer of the cortex (phloeoterma) may form a well-marked endodermis, or differ in other ways from the rest of the cortex.
- In some forms other gaps (perforations) appear in the vascular tube placing the pith and cortex in communication.
- That seems to activate the cerebral cortex in the parietal lobes more than in the frontal lobes.
- But why is that particular area of the cortex designated the auditory cortex?
- These kids only have half as much cerebral cortex as is normal.
- Does a smart person have more cerebral cortex than an idiot?
- Exposing rat cortex to the same stain produces uniform, moderately dense, labelling in the primary visual area.
- In all green plants which have a special protective epidermis, the cortex of the shoot has to perform the primitive fundamental function of carbon assimilation.
- The cortex of the older stem of the root frequently acts as a reserve store-house for food which generally takes the form of starch, and it also assists largel) in providing the stereom of the plant.
- Sclerenchyma may bi formed later in various positions in the cortex, according to loca needs.
- The centre of the S~hooo- stele is however often occupied by a large-celled pith resembling the cortex in structure, the cortex and pith ~ together being classed as ground tissue.
- Taste and smell functions reside in brain cortex only a small portion of which can be seen, viz.
- This, of course, is equivalent to postulating the cerebral cortex as the exclusive seat of higher intellection.
- The difficulty which arises in this case lies only in the fact that the cortex gone to sleep annihilates also, of course, the fatigue sensation and the rest sensation.
- In the same way, the obtunding of the nerve cells in the cortex by anaesthetics or of the conducting nerve apparatus on the way to the brain by local anaesthesia, will have a like effect.
- Similarly, in the case of sufferers from chronic insanities, with marked dementia, the ganglion cells of the cortex of the brain are found to have undergone degeneration.
- The cortex of the brain, the functions of which are accompanied by mental processes, is always and everywhere not only the recipient of sensory stimuli but at the same time the starting point of motor impulses.
- In both stem and root early walli separate the cortex from the stele.
- Thi vascular system is connected in various ways with that of th(parent axis by the differentiation of bundle-connections across thi cortex of the latter.