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corrosion - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of corrosion in Hindi

  • जंग
  • संक्षारण
  • क्षरण

corrosion Definition


  • the process of corroding metal, stone, or other materials.

corrosion Example

  • engineers found the corrosion when checking the bridge ( पुल की जांच के दौरान इंजीनियरों ने पाया जंग )
  • as the percentage of aluminium rises, and all strongly resisting corrosion in air or sea-water. ( जैसे-जैसे एल्युमीनियम का प्रतिशत बढ़ता है, और सभी हवा या समुद्र के पानी में जंग का दृढ़ता से विरोध करते हैं। ) 
  • To prevent corrosion the rope should be treated at intervals with hot lubricant. ( जंग को रोकने के लिए, रस्सी को गर्म स्नेहक के साथ अंतराल पर इलाज किया जाना चाहिए। )
  • Exposure to air and rain also causes slight corrosion, but to nothing like the same extent as occurs with iron, copper or brass. ( हवा और बारिश के संपर्क में भी मामूली क्षरण होता है, लेकिन लोहे, तांबे या पीतल के समान कुछ भी नहीं होता है। )

More Sentence

  • Hoisting ropes are weakened by deterioration and breakage of the wires, due to corrosion and repeated bending.
  • The surface of vessels may be spangled with gold or platinum by rolling the hot glass on metallic leaf, or iridescent, by the deposition of metallic tin, or by the corrosion caused by the chemical action of acid fumes.
  • (2) The carburizing incidentally carburizes the brickwork of the furnace, and thus protects it against corrosion by the molten slag.
  • The ground about the hut was made solid and protected from corrosion by a palisade of wattled osiers, thus creating the earliest form of the fondamenta, or quay, which runs along the side of so many Venetian canals and is so prominent a feature in the construction of the city.
  • When carbonic acid is present the dissolved oxide is soon precipitated as basic carbonate, so that the corrosion of the lead becomes continuous.
  • Steel differs in many ways from iron in respect of atmospheric corrosion; the heterogeneous nature of steel gives occasion to a selective rusting, ferrite is much more readily attacked than the cementite and pearlite; moreover, the introduction of other elements may retard rusting; this is particularly the case with the nickel-steels.
  • These bricks are specially used for the roof, fire arches, and other parts subjected to intense heat in reverberatory steel-melting furnaces, and, although infusible under ordinary conditions, are often fairly melted by the heat without fluxing or corrosion after a certain amount of exposure.
  • To reduce the chances of corrosion, the tank should sit well above the bottom of the bilge and there must be air, not bilge water, beneath it.  
  • This material is commonly known as terne and is used where ease of solderability and a degree of corrosion resistance are desirable.  
  • Federal regulations do not address tank installations in bilges of boats, nor must tank materials be tested for corrosion resistance.  
  • However, twice the significance is given to corrosion in the surface area beneath the protective coating.  
  • The swirler is formed of a powder sintered compact of martensitic stainless steel having corrosion resistance and wear resistance.  
  • They show greater resistance to corrosion, have better bendability and are fire-resistant.  
  • Finally, the whole surface is protected with a microcrystalline wax containing a corrosion inhibitor.  
  • If the battery is healthy, it is a good idea to check the terminals and smear them with petroleum jelly to stop corrosion setting in.
  • each aircraft part is sprayed with oil to prevent corrosion