correctness - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of correctness in Hindi
correctness Definition
- the quality or state of being free from error; accuracy.
correctness Example
- the character was played with stuffy correctness ( किरदार को पूरी शुद्धता के साथ निभाया गया था )
- The correctness of this decision may be doubted. ( इस निर्णय की शुद्धता पर संदेह किया जा सकता है। )
- Ask the investor to check the correctness of what he has written. ( निवेशक से पूछें कि उसने जो लिखा है उसकी शुद्धता की जांच करें। )
- For reasons of political correctness we have been asked to withdraw our advertisement from the national press. ( राजनीतिक शुद्धता के कारणों से हमें राष्ट्रीय प्रेस से अपना विज्ञापन वापस लेने के लिए कहा गया है। )
More Sentence
- Political correctness has had an impact on the language people use to describe women.
- I believe in discovery and rigor and quantitative correctness and sophisticated analysis.
- The film may lack subtlety and political correctness, but it can be thrilling if you let it.
- From political correctness to the flagging tenure system, the right of unadulterated academic lip flapping seems increasingly embattled.
- There is no need to reclaim political correctness from its detractors.
- This does not mean merely that correctness of translation is undetermined by all the possible data.
- Managers must steer a middle course between political correctness and political babble.
- We now think of an insistence on grammatical correctness as a conservative position.
- We have to live with bullies of political correctness and just-plain bullies at the top.
- Political correctness now debates the worthiness of many words.
- They said the greatest virtues in a politician were integrity, correctness and honesty.
- I am not going to be a sacrificial lamb on the altar of political correctness.
- he is trying to challenge the correctness of his criminal conviction
- Explore the correctness that this formula.
- This is how political correctness happens.
- He had no doubt of the correctness of that opposition.
- Of their correctness generally, however, I am confident.
- Perhaps the keystone in the arch of political correctness.
- This failure convinced me of the correctness of the theory.
- The cult of political correctness (pc) threatens free speech.
- I challenge the correctness of Newton’s view about gravity.
- There was a correctness about him which was exceedingly tiring.
- there was evidence to support the correctness of the identification