cornerstone - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of cornerstone in Hindi
cornerstone Definition
- an important quality or feature on which a particular thing depends or is based.
- a stone that forms the base of a corner of a building, joining two walls.
cornerstone Example
- a national minimum wage remained the cornerstone of policy ( एक राष्ट्रीय न्यूनतम वेतन नीति की आधारशिला बना रहा )
- In most countries, the family unit is still the cornerstone of society. ( अधिकांश देशों में, परिवार इकाई अभी भी समाज की आधारशिला है। )
- Perhaps an alliance with the East Angles was the cornerstone of Aethelbald's ascendancy. ( शायद ईस्ट एंगल्स के साथ गठबंधन एथेलबाल्ड के प्रभुत्व की आधारशिला थी। )
- The bank has been trying to write off huge losses from its CornerStone credit card over several recent quarters. ( बैंक कई हालिया तिमाहियों में अपने कॉर्नरस्टोन क्रेडिट कार्ड से भारी नुकसान को बट्टे खाते में डालने की कोशिश कर रहा है। )
More Sentence
- Vegetables are an important cornerstone of a healthy raw food diet.
- The cornerstones of therapeutic social dementia care - reminiscence and validation therapy - have in common their acknowledgement of the sense of self of the person with dementia.
- Supplements - These supplements can come in the form of injections, liquid drops, oral syringes, or pills and are generally the cornerstone of any hCG diet.
- Chapter 3 begins with an outline of the two linguistic principles that are the cornerstones of the 1996 reform - that is, the phonological and semantic principles of orthography.
- cornerstone of any democracy - therein lies the rub.
- Qualifications and their mutual recognition are one of the cornerstones of transport policy, as is working time.
- It represents a cornerstone of our commitment to improving Working Lives.
- This guidance often formed an important cornerstone of a school's approach.
- Frame Technology Inc believes the next generation of desktop publishing systems will utilise electronic document publishing as their cornerstone.
- Therefore, emotion, which can interfere with attention when it is extreme, is nevertheless the cornerstone of attention.
- Toledo hopes to promote a tourism industry that he wants to make a cornerstone of economic recovery.
- The prohibition of discrimination on grounds of nationality remains a cornerstone of unification.
- The cornerstone of building a better.
- W resurrection is the cornerstone of the.
- Loyalty is the cornerstone of friendship.
- But the weight of it sank its cornerstone.
- Sincerity is the cornerstone of friendship.
- Slavery is the cornerstone of the South.
- Blessing of the Cornerstone of a New Building.
- It will require more, but missile defense will be a cornerstone.
- The independence of the judiciary is rightly regarded as a cornerstone of our liberties.
- It must go on to professionalism in all things, but the quality mindset is the cornerstone of all professionalism.