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cornea - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of cornea in Hindi

  • कॉर्निया
  • नेत्रपटल
  • कनीनिका
  • चक्षुपटल

cornea Definition


  • the transparent layer forming the front of the eye.

cornea Example

  • The eye is always a closed vesicle, and the internal cornea is extensive. ( आंख हमेशा एक बंद पुटिका होती है, और आंतरिक कॉर्निया चौड़ा होता है। )  
  • The operation involves making several cuts in the cornea. ( ऑपरेशन में कॉर्निया में कई कट लगाना शामिल है। )
  • The cornea is the transparent membrane that covers the front of the eye. ( कॉर्निया पारदर्शी झिल्ली है जो आंख के सामने को कवर करती है। )
  • The ring is virtually invisible around the central cornea which is the critical area for clear vision. ( केंद्रीय कॉर्निया के चारों ओर वलय लगभग अदृश्य है जो स्पष्ट दृष्टि के लिए महत्वपूर्ण क्षेत्र है। ) 

More Sentence

  • Similar suppurative action in the cornea is often caused by infection of cocci.
  • Both eyes were so much inverted that nearly one half the cornea was hidden.
  • Without removing the needle from the cornea attach the syringe and make the injection into the anterior chamber.
  • These circumstances modify the direction of the refraction of the rays of light, in their passage from the cornea to the retina.
  • Steady the eye with fixation forceps; then pierce the cornea with the other syringe needle and allow the aqueous to escape through the needle.
  • Anteriorly, the sclerotic coat presents a bevelled edge, which receives the cornea in the same way that a watch-glass is received by the groove in its case.
  • At his birth, both eyes were found to be turned inward to such an extent that a portion of the cornea was hidden by the inner canthus, and in both pupils there was a yellowish-white discoloration.
  • The cornea is composed of several different layers; its blood-vessels are so small that they exclude the red particles altogether, and admit nothing but serum.
  • Current surgical techniques also involve reducing the cornea curvature in a bid to correct short-sightedness.
  • A tendency to accumulate sticky mucus on the cornea removed by blinking.
  • One solution is to implant a donor cornea.
  • Undergo a heart transplant; surgical transplant of a cornea.
  • White scars remain on his cornea.
  • Light enters the eye through the cornea.
  • c, Cornea; 1, lens; v.b., vitreous body; r, retina.
  • One result of this among the Vertebrata is that the eyeball is pink in colour, since the cornea, iris and retina being transparent, the red blood contained in the capillaries is unmasked by the absence of pigmentary material.
  • Early names for it are Lac argenti and Luna cornea, the first referring to its form when freshly precipitated, the latter to its appearance after fusion.
  • In most cases this cornea is divided into lenticular facets corresponding to the underlying ommatidia.
  • What? With an apt move, the edge of the paper cut into the cornea of his left eye, and then his right.
  • Similarly, when RES occurs, newly formed cells of the cornea fail to stick securely to the layer beneath them.
  • Stock symbol BEAM, Summit manufactured and marketed an excimer laser system that corrected vision by carving a slice off the cornea.
  • A painful eye condition common in people having a history of scratch on the cornea the transparent window on the front surface of the eye.
  • Although the exact cause of RES is unknown it may be attributed to a disturbance in the special cementing cells that stick down the surface of the cornea.
  • A black misty abyss drawing it seductively onwards passed its blue-y grey outer circle, positioned like ethereal landing lights forcing a direct hit on the centre of the cornea.
  • In certain star-fishes, small depressions in the layer of pigment which surrounds the nerve are filled, as described by the author just quoted, with transparent gelatinous matter, projecting with a convex surface, like the cornea in the higher animals.
  • those of any other burrowing mammal, the retina being reduced to a mass of simple cells, and the cornea and sclerotic ("white") to a pearshaped fibrous capsule enclosing a ball of pigment.
  • When the trigeminus nerve is divided (Majendie), or when its root is compressed injuriously, say Iby a tubercular tumour, the cornea begins to show points of ulceration, which, increasing in area, may bring about total disintegration of the eyeball.
  • Gelatin occurs also in the cornea and the sclerotic coat of the eye; and in fish scales, the latter containing 80% of collagen, and 20% of ichthylepidin, a substance differing from gelatin in giving a wellmarked Millon's reaction.
  • cornea at the front to the retina at the back.
  • Light is focused by the cornea and lens at the retina.
  • It is replaced by clear cornea removed in the same manner from the donor eye.
  • Potentially millions of people around the world could benefit from new research by a Lancaster University academic to develop an artificial cornea.