copy - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of copy in Hindi
- प्रतिलिपि
- नकल
- कापी
- प्रति
- अनुकृति
- नक़ल करना
- अनुकरण करना
- किसी की अनुकृति करना
copy Definition
- a thing made to be similar or identical to another.
- a single specimen of a particular book, record, or other publication or issue.
- matter to be printed.
- make a similar or identical version of; reproduce.
- imitate the style or behavior of.
- hear or understand someone speaking on a radio transmitter.
copy Example
- copy for the next issue must be submitted by the beginning of the month ( अगले अंक की प्रति माह की शुरुआत तक जमा करानी होगी )
- this is Edwards, do you copy, over ( यह एडवर्ड्स है, क्या आप कॉपी करते हैं, ओवर )
- she was such fun that everybody wanted to copy her ( वह इतनी मज़ेदार थी कि हर कोई उसकी नकल करना चाहता था )
- Never copy foreign things blindly or mechanically. ( कभी भी विदेशी चीजों की आँख बंद करके या यंत्रवत् नकल न करें। )
More Sentence
- I'm printing a copy of the document for you.
- Have you got a copy of yesterday's newspaper?
- Enclosed is a copy of...
- I will send you a copy of the file.
- The copy answers to the original.
- Please copy the homework from the blackboard.
- There is a copy of... attached to this letter.
- The thieves replaced the original painting with a copy.
- Copy your aunt and you won't go wrong.
- I will send you a copy of the report.
- We are enclosing a copy of...
- No person of independent mind will copy consciously.
- the problem is telling which is the original document and which the copy
- it is an unfortunate truth of today's media that bad news makes good copy
- “No more stubble—no more trouble,” trumpeted their ad copy
- I began to copy out the addresses
- I thought I'd copy to you this letter sent to the PR representative
- the command will copy a file from one disc to another