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copulation - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of copulation in Hindi

  • संभोग
  • शयन
  • संगति
  • संभव
  • मैथुन
  • संयुतार्थ

copulation Definition


  • sexual intercourse.

copulation Example

  • males may seek copulation with the breeding female ( नर प्रजनन करने वाली मादा के साथ मैथुन की तलाश कर सकते हैं )
  • There are thus two female openings, one for copulation, the other for oviposition, as well as a male opening. ( इस प्रकार दो महिला उद्घाटन हैं, एक मैथुन के लिए, दूसरा ओविपोजिशन के लिए, साथ ही एक पुरुष उद्घाटन के लिए। )  
  • It is probable that they acquire special sensibility at the breeding season and serve as " guides " in copulation. ( यह संभव है कि वे प्रजनन के मौसम में विशेष संवेदनशीलता प्राप्त करें और मैथुन में "मार्गदर्शक" के रूप में कार्य करें। )
  • age of the male modified to b, Fused terga of the prosoma subserve copulation. ( पुरुष की उम्र बी में संशोधित, प्रोसोमा सबसर्व मैथुन का फ्यूज्ड टर्गा। )

More Sentence

  • Eggs deposited in a cocoon after copulation.
  • In this duct and sac the spermatophores received in copulation from another snail are lodged.
  • It is supposed to act in some way as a stimulant in copulation, but possibly has to do with the calcareous covering of the egg-capsule.
  • Spermatheca or receptacle of the sperm in copulation, opening into the female duct.
  • the molecular weights were the same as in use to-day.) This connecting link, C2, was regarded as essential, while the methyl, ethyl, &c. was but a sort of appendage; but Kolbe could not clearly conceive the manner of copulation.
  • It will be seen that each type depends upon a specific radical or atom, and the copulation of this character with any hydrocarbon radical (open or cyclic) gives origin to a compound of the same class.
  • Scorpio, being a terrestrial animal, fertilizes by copulation.
  • In Cephalopods and the majority of Gastropods copulation occurs.
  • There does not appear to be any true copulation.
  • - Batrachians may be divided into four categories under this head: - (t) no amplexation; (2) amplexation without internal fecundation; (3) amplexation with internal fecundation; (4) copulation proper.
  • This arrangement facilitates the internal fecundation of the female without copulation, the female absorbs the spermatozoa by squeezing them out of the spermatophore between the cloacal lips.
  • portion of which the ova or spermatozoa are developed, the lower portion serving as an oviduct or vas deferens; the female generative organs open at the middle of the body, the male close to the posterior extremity into the terminal portion of the alimentary canal; from this cloaca a diverticulum is given off in which are developed one to three chitinous spicules that subserve the function of copulation.