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convoluted - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of convoluted in Hindi

  • जटिल
  • सवंलित
  • लपेटा हुआ

convoluted Definition


  • (especially of an argument, story, or sentence) extremely complex and difficult to follow.
  • intricately folded, twisted, or coiled.

convoluted Example

  • walnuts come in hard and convoluted shells ( अखरोट सख्त और घुमावदार गोले में आते हैं )  
  • These convoluted explanations fail to identify the real lure of Niagara that it was accessible and comfortable. ( ये जटिल स्पष्टीकरण नियाग्रा के वास्तविक आकर्षण की पहचान करने में विफल हैं कि यह सुलभ और आरामदायक था। )  
  • This extraordinary and highly convoluted story has aroused interest in many quarters from time to time. ( इस असाधारण और अत्यधिक जटिल कहानी ने समय-समय पर कई क्षेत्रों में रुचि जगाई है। )  
  • He always uses a lot of convoluted arguments to support his theories, but no one's ever impressed. ( वह हमेशा अपने सिद्धांतों का समर्थन करने के लिए बहुत सारे जटिल तर्कों का उपयोग करता है, लेकिन कोई भी कभी प्रभावित नहीं होता है। )

More Sentence

  • Judgments frequently consist of long paragraphs and convoluted sentences replete with subordinate clauses.
  • Between moves 9 and 13, he adopted a convoluted plan that seemed only to tangle his own pieces.
  • The convoluted tale grows thin long before it comes to rest.
  • They help take the guesswork out of tax law by translating convoluted jargon into plain-folks language.
  • Then he would think of the undertaker forcing that convoluted form into a cheap coffin and the lid being screwed on.
  • The serials are so convoluted and long-drawn-out that even if some of the evil people get punished, it may happen towards the end of the serial.
  • In the old days, legislators delivered long-winded, convoluted, extemporaneous speeches from the floor.  
  • I think the convoluted branches were caused by someone who lopped the tree very drastically at one stage.  
  • The plot construction is a bit convoluted, but at the core it is the unlikely romance between the ageing Lothario and the formidable divorcee.
  • Factors like this made the leasing process a protracted and convoluted business in which potential tenants came and went.
  • This was a small creek forming a marina, just along the convoluted coastline from Valletta.
  • But characters will be much more present, be seen in much greater, convoluted depth even than in the detective novel.
  • Legal writing is frequently criticised for being unclear, verbose, convoluted and incomprehensible.
  • Another problem is that the chains in polyacetylene are not neatly ordered, but convoluted and higgledy-piggledy.
  • its convoluted narrative encompasses all manner of digressions