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contrive - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of contrive in Hindi

  • ईजाद
  • ईजाद करना
  • आविष्कार करना
  • उपाय निकालना
  • योजना करना
  • षड्यंत्र करना
  • प्रकल्पना करना

contrive Definition


  • create or bring about (an object or a situation) by deliberate use of skill and artifice.

contrive Example

  • So, I set out to contrive the experiment, and that was the novel FlashForward. ( इसलिए, मैंने प्रयोग को समझने के लिए तैयार किया, और वह उपन्यास फ्लैशफॉरवर्ड था। )
  • Ultimately the pro-division faction contrived to get the government to support its position and when the ' rebel' party revolted, the federal army unleashed counter-revolutionary terror. ( अंतत: विभाजन समर्थक गुट ने सरकार को अपनी स्थिति का समर्थन करने के लिए प्रयास किया और जब 'विद्रोही' पार्टी ने विद्रोह किया, तो संघीय सेना ने प्रति-क्रांतिकारी आतंक शुरू कर दिया। )
  • Whether you buy, borrow or contrive, you can save a ton of money and still look as great, or scary, as you hope to this season. ( चाहे आप खरीद लें, उधार लें या निवेश करें, आप एक टन पैसा बचा सकते हैं और फिर भी उतने ही शानदार, या डरावने दिख सकते हैं, जितनी आप इस सीज़न में उम्मीद करते हैं। )
  • The treatment is rigorous in this regard except that the examples often sound contrived and do not always cover the alternative patterns given. ( इस संबंध में उपचार कठोर है सिवाय इसके कि उदाहरण अक्सर काल्पनिक लगते हैं और हमेशा दिए गए वैकल्पिक पैटर्न को कवर नहीं करते हैं। )

More Sentence

  • contrive ways of keeping his beloved ship afloat and his way of life intact.
  • Indeed, 'unreal' examples like the second are expressly contrived to make them realizable in the contextual conditions of the classroom.
  • Gloucester still contrive to give soft tries Only Premiership leaders Bath have a better defensive record in the league.
  • Moisture, dust and debris will all contrive to ruin your work and probably the engine.
  • Often these supernatural monsters are depicted as little more than solitary ambush predators dressed up in culturally contrived monster attire.
  • Eric and Brenda they did contrive, to do their exercise with the hand jive.
  • The distinction between being able to do something and being able to bring oneself to do it is not contrived or esoteric.
  • contrive new machines and the ability to manufacture them.
  • It is a splendid idea, that we must so contrive it that it may not seem to be a concerted plan.
  • In order to satisfy the requirements on the frequency of inflections and verb and adjective stems, some of the sentences sounded rather contrived.
  • contrive to keep their teeth in place is uncertain.
  • Their naughty children always contrive to make such a mess of things.
  • Do you think you could contrive something for hanging my clothes on until I can get a wardrobe?
  • Can you contrive to be at the station by noon?
  • I found it difficult to contrive when prices of everything went up.
  • We can contrive without meat.
  • And the first day you arrive you contrive to get hold of this!
  • The Attorney-General Perhaps the hon. Gentleman will contrive to listen to what I am saying on this complicated matter.
  • Parmenter would contrive to get document blanks from the Records Branch.
  • In as tactful a way as she could contrive she asked Shildon to hurry up with what he wanted to say.
  • They can plan and contrive and see ahead.
  • I must contrive a new career.
  • She found it difficult to contrive when prices of everything went up.
  • How could you contrive to make such a mess of things?
  • contrive to make adults lose their tempers - that puts you in control.