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continual - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of continual in Hindi

  • निरंतर
  • नित्य
  • लगातार
  • सदा
  • अविरत
  • निरंतर

continual Definition


  • frequently recurring; always happening.

continual Example

  • some patients need continual safeguarding ( कुछ रोगियों को निरंतर सुरक्षा की आवश्यकता होती है )
  • The front door was in continual motion with guests coming and going, amid laughter and boisterous conversation. ( हँसी और उद्दाम बातचीत के बीच, मेहमानों के आने और जाने के साथ सामने का दरवाजा लगातार गति में था। )
  • Rodger was fired 4/00 for continual. ( रॉजर को लगातार 4/00 के लिए निकाल दिया गया था। )
  • But above all, it is a continual balance. ( लेकिन सबसे बढ़कर, यह एक निरंतर संतुलन है। )

More Sentence

  • Continual practice made this a formality.
  • In the continual struggles between Pisa and Genoa some of these princes took the side of the latter.
  • For ten years, amidst continual civil war, Monagas was supreme.
  • He regarded his whole life as a continual round of amusement which someone for some reason had to provide for him.
  • The consciousness of it was a continual reproach.
  • A continual interruption in the flow of lines, and.
  • The present will be a continual remake of the past.
  • I could easily envisage the continual mushrooming.
  • his plane went down after continual attacks
  • They must remain poised and self-confident despite continual rejection.
  • "We're looking at continual decline ."
  • Once assaulted, the victim is marked as a continual target.
  • His continual battering against their obstinacy left him bitter and confused.
  • We must get continual bouts of rain from now until harvest,
  • Pitino's system thrives on continual motion for 94 feet.
  • "It's going to be a continual thing.
  • Both companies have been fighting a continual war for market share.
  • The continual connect has its advantages, mostly the obvious ones.
  • The continual bleeding of the farm system eventually has to stop.
  • It's difficult to see continual in a sentence .
  • You get a sense that the learning they do is continual.
  • But the continual delays have cast a cloud over the project.
  • It's promoting a continual violence against women ."
  • The Department of Defense already is the target of continual invasions.
  • Besides these murders and acts of violence robbery is of continual occurrence in the Saskatchewan.
  • I reflect that no one can give a better account of the treasury than he who has continual care of it.
  • There is no doubt that the morale of submarine personnel is much affected by continual nerve-strain.
  • It is by the slow process of continual suggestion that both women consumers and distributing agencies will be awakened to the problem.
  • All other means would imply the continual intervention of an authority that would be repugnant to free men.
  • The preponderance of evidence suggests a continual increase in productivity growth,