constructive - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of constructive in Hindi
- रचनात्मक
- निर्माण का
- निर्माणकारी
- रचना संबंधी
constructive Definition
- serving a useful purpose; tending to build up.
- derived by inference; implied by operation of law; not obvious or explicit.
- relating to, based on, or denoting mathematical proofs which show how an entity may in principle be constructed or arrived at in a finite number of steps.
constructive Example
- constructive criticism ( रचनात्मक आलोचना )
- of the Thirty-nine Articles, he emphasized a positive and constructive statement of the Anglican position. ( उनतालीस लेखों में, उन्होंने एंग्लिकन स्थिति के सकारात्मक और रचनात्मक बयान पर जोर दिया। )
- He also provides highly constructive ideas to make organizations run better. ( वह संगठनों को बेहतर ढंग से चलाने के लिए अत्यधिक रचनात्मक विचार भी प्रदान करता है। )
- Constructive debate is positive to me because people learn from it. ( रचनात्मक बहस मेरे लिए सकारात्मक है क्योंकि लोग इससे सीखते हैं। )
More Sentence
- It can be used for creative, constructive and inspiring goals.
- We had positive and constructive discussions with President Assad here today,
- "The quietness is constructive, " he said.
- President Clinton has proposed a constructive end to the budget impasse.
- It's difficult to see constructive in a sentence .
- It will be a constructive meeting, not a confrontational one,
- In fact, he welcomes their input if it is constructive.
- "That's constructive for the dollar ."
- They cannot be pegged to litigation that is not educationally constructive.
- "The meeting was constructive, " said Stern.
- I have merely offered some constructive criticism regarding service and tips.
- He wants to find a constructive path to move government along.
- The policy we had for South Africa was called constructive engagement.
- It feels that even constructive criticism is an act of treason.
- But he does want to stimulate constructive forward thinking.
- In politics proper he seems indeed to have had few or no constructive ideas, and to have been entirely ignorant or quite reckless of the fact that his attacks were destroying a state of things for which as a whole he neither had nor apparently wished to have any substitute.
- Naturally, some cases of constructive dismissal are clear-cut.
- Further, while the genius of Aquinas was constructive, that of Duns Scotus was destructive; Aquinas was a philosopher, Duns a critic. The latter has been said to stand to the former in the relation of Kant to Leibnitz.
- The arguments are constructive with compelling evidence to support the claims.
- Both countries agreed to work towards a constructive and cooperative relationship for the twenty-first century.
- If that is the case, intervention, when it is constructive, is an objective necessity, so that auditing its personnel could be introduced.
- Much of this is eminently disputable, yet the result is constructive stimulation rather than mere provocation.
- People are increasingly aware of how important it is to contribute their ideas in a constructive spirit, free of demagoguery and negativism.
- In short, I wish Mr Akam no ill, but hope this acts as a piece of constructive criticism.
- He said it was a useful and constructive meeting following on from the previous meeting.
- Even a modest house can be full of complexity when constructive and spatial variables overlap with sociological factors.
- It can backfire a little, particularly if you are a hound for constructive criticism.
- It is always best to avoid these situations when you see a flame war is about to start as nothing constructive comes of them.
- She believes these talks will be the start of a constructive and mean-ingful dialogue.
- After careful study of playground systems a bond issue of $800,000 was voted (1919) to initiate a constructive development of parks and playgrounds at public expense.
- The President told waiting reporters there had been a constructive dialogue.
- Just as the historical school grew up along with the greatest constructive achievement of the 29th century, namely, the consolidation of Germany, so the application to modern problems of the methods of that school has been called forth by the constructive needs of the present generation.
- constructive liability