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conspicuously - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of conspicuously in Hindi

  • सुस्पष्ट
  • सुस्पष्टता से
  • उजागर होकर

conspicuously Definition


  • in a clearly visible way.

conspicuously Example

  • his arguments conspicuously lack rigor ( उनके तर्कों में स्पष्ट रूप से कठोरता का अभाव है )
  • Attention has focused almost exclusively on adult beetles, probably because their larvae are conspicuously missing from tropical foliage. ( ध्यान लगभग विशेष रूप से वयस्क भृंगों पर केंद्रित है, शायद इसलिए कि उनके लार्वा उष्णकटिबंधीय पत्ते से स्पष्ट रूप से गायब हैं। )
  • the signs were conspicuously displayed inside the restaurant ( रेस्तरां के अंदर संकेत स्पष्ट रूप से प्रदर्शित किए गए थे )
  • Two objects stand out conspicuously in his policy. ( उनकी नीति में दो वस्तुएँ स्पष्ट रूप से सामने आती हैं। )
  • There was however a conspicuously greater number of open than close parishes, and even in the latter, landlords' control was rarely complete. ( हालाँकि, निकट के पारिशों की तुलना में स्पष्ट रूप से अधिक संख्या में खुले थे, और बाद में भी, जमींदारों का नियंत्रण शायद ही कभी पूरा हुआ हो। )

More Sentence

  • It is also shown conspicuously in figures given by Henry.
  • He was as conspicuously deficient in the statesmanship as he was in the oratorical genius of such men as Flood, Plunket or Grattan.
  • Other indicators of wealth are quite visible and conspicuously flaunted.
  • On the Amazons and in other parts of South America there are butterflies of the group Ithomiinae which are distasteful and have all the characters of specially protected species, being conspicuously coloured, slow of flight, careless of exposure and abundant in individuals.
  • Notre-Dame d'Afrique, a church built (1858-1872) in a mixture of the Roman and Byzantine styles, is conspicuously situated, overlooking the sea, on the shoulder of the Bu Zarea hills, m.
  • Dave Libbey, another top-flight ref, has been conspicuously absent since his return from an early season injury.
  • Until now the international community has been conspicuously silent.
  • Red-heads dive constantly like grebes, but have conspicuously whiter cheeks, and are also much whiter than other small diving ducks.
  • Morality and accountability are conspicuously absent.
  • A diet book was conspicuously in place on the kitchen counter.
  • The extensive Sanskrit literature, which has reached in translations China, Japan and Java, is chiefly theological and poetical, history being conspicuously absent.
  • The dangers were most conspicuously apparent in the vast sums being made from India.  
  • at the base, and rising steeply in five terraces to the height of 86 ft., showed conspicuously to the city the long processions of priests and victims winding along the terraces and up to corner flights of steps.
  • His engagement was for a salary of 75 lire (about X30) a month, a sum so large for that period as to mark conspicuously the high regard in which his art was held.
  • Grassroots and religious institutions, fraternal, sororal and civil-rights organizations have been conspicuously silent.  
  • Laplace nowhere displayed the massiveness of his genius more conspicuously than in the theory of probabilities.
  • Her agenda though still remained conspicuously well-hidden.
  • Conspicuously absent was the bishop of Shiring, Henri of Mons.
  • He became aware, too, of the movers, conspicuously ignoring him.
  • It reminded her to cough conspicuously, which at least was useful.
  • But she was conspicuously lacking in the humility befitting her position.
  • Conspicuously absent in the room was any representative from Great Britain.
  • one important voice has been conspicuously absent