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consist - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of consist in Hindi

  • मिलकर बनता है
  • बना होना
  • निहित होना
  • बनावट
  • मिलना
  • रहना
  • होना
  • अनुकूल होना
  • एकमत होना

consist Definition


  • be composed or made up of.
  • be consistent with.


  • a set of railroad vehicles forming a complete train.

consist Example

  •  The reproductive systems consist of filamentous tubes. ( प्रजनन प्रणाली में फिलामेंटस ट्यूब होते हैं। )
  • The lobes consist of many follicles. ( लोब में कई रोम होते हैं। )
  • The food of this species seems to consist of the seeds and buds of many sorts of trees, though the staple may very possibly be those of some kind of pine. ( ऐसा लगता है कि इस प्रजाति के भोजन में कई प्रकार के पेड़ों के बीज और कलियाँ शामिल हैं, हालाँकि स्टेपल संभवतः किसी प्रकार के देवदार के हो सकते हैं। )
  • The polar bear's diet consists almost entirely of seals and fish. ( ध्रुवीय भालू के आहार में लगभग पूरी तरह से सील और मछली होती है। )
  • A traditional Japanese breakfast typically consists of a bowl of rice, miso soup, broiled fish, and pickled vegetables. ( एक पारंपरिक जापानी नाश्ते में आम तौर पर एक कटोरी चावल, मिसो सूप, उबली हुई मछली और मसालेदार सब्जियां होती हैं। )

More Sentence

  • Our schedule today consist of going to the grocery store, visiting my grandmother, and cooking dinner for the party we’re having tonight.  
  • A human body consist of DNA, but is also contains RNA and a lot of other proteins that form the basis of our physical structure.
  • Success consists of doing your best, believing in yourself, and learning from your mistakes.
  • The traditional Korean family consists of parents, children, and grandparents.
  • The chief attraction of military service has consisted and will consist in this compulsory and irreproachable idleness.
  • Republics consist of codified laws that apply to everyone, regardless of public sentiment.
  • The parts of a mushroom consist chiefly of stem and cap; the stem has a clothy ring round its middle, and the cap is furnished underneath with numerous radiating coloured gills.
  • Their condition only proves what squalidness may consist with civilization.
  • Our committee consists of ten members.
  • What in Northern Ireland does routine policing consist of?
  • The top team could consist of the board.
  • Diffusion Solids consist of closely packed particles.
  • A soccer team consists of eleven players.  
  • If supplied, each entry must consist of two parts.
  • However, society does not consist of isolated individuals.
  • Alphanumeric fields consist of letters, numbers, or both.
  • A football team consists of eleven players.
  • These consist of a capital letter followed by numbers.
  • They consist of a small box built of fear.
  • The theater's inaugural season will consist of three plays.
  • The air we breathe consists of oxygen and nitrogen.
  • Substrate can consist of fine gravel, aquarium sand or powdered lava.
  • to turn an entire consist requires a wye