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conjugate - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of conjugate in Hindi

  • संयुग्म
  • संयुग्मी
  • संयुग्मित
  • एकत्रित
  • इकट्ठा हुआ
  • रूप साधना
  • गरदानना
  • सजाति शब्द

conjugate Definition


  • give the different forms of (a verb in an inflected language) as they vary according to voice, mood, tense, number, and person.
  • (of bacteria or unicellular organisms) become temporarily united in order to exchange genetic material.
  • be combined with or joined to reversibly.


  • coupled, connected, or related.


  • a substance formed by the reversible combination of two or more others.

conjugate Example

  • In the English language, we conjugate many different words for convenience, such as ‘won’t’ for ‘will not.’  ( अंग्रेजी भाषा में, हम सुविधा के लिए कई अलग-अलग शब्दों को जोड़ते हैं, जैसे कि 'नहीं होगा' के लिए। )
  • Because we like to speak our mind as quickly as possible, we often conjugate words that are seemingly too long to utter in their entirety, such as ‘would not.’   ( क्योंकि हम जितनी जल्दी हो सके अपने मन की बात कहना पसंद करते हैं, हम अक्सर ऐसे शब्दों को जोड़ते हैं जो पूरी तरह से बोलने के लिए बहुत लंबे लगते हैं, जैसे कि 'नहीं होगा।' )
  • Conic aspheres can also be tested with spherical wavefronts at their conic conjugate points.  ( शंकु के गोले का परीक्षण उनके शंकु संयुग्म बिंदुओं पर गोलाकार तरंगाग्र के साथ भी किया जा सकता है। )
  • In prehepatic jaundice, excess unconjugated bilirubin is produced faster than the liver is able to conjugate it for excretion. ( प्रीहेपेटिक पीलिया में, अतिरिक्त असंयुग्मित बिलीरुबिन का उत्पादन तेजी से होता है, यकृत इसे उत्सर्जन के लिए संयुग्मित करने में सक्षम होता है। )

More Sentence

  • Fucose was ligated to bovine serum albumin and antibodies were raised against the conjugate.
  • In this learn Spanish grammar lesson, we review the Spanish conditional tense and how to conjugate Spanish verbs in the conditional.
  • Under similar experimental conditions, the carotene conjugate did not produce singlet oxygen.
  • By now, the words we conjugate in English would sound very out of place, which is why almost no one says ‘I could not do that.’  
  • Of course, points on the real axis don't change because the complex conjugate of a real number is itself.
  • More recently, an octavalent P. aeruginosa O-polysaccharide toxin, a conjugate vaccine.  
  • And don't worry, even French four students occasionally forget how to conjugate verbs.
  • The Hessian matrix is usually required to generate a set of conjugate vectors to minimize a particular objective function.  
  • The nice property of a complex conjugate pair is that their product is always a non-negative real number.  
  • The most common buffers are mixtures of weak acids and their conjugate bases.  
  • I might not know how to conjugate verbs in the preterit, but I knew a double negative when I heard one or when a poem had way too much detail.
  • Two people conjugate when they marry, joining together in both relationship and living space, most of the time.  
  • Bacteria can conjugate sexually and exchange genetic material through a connecting tube that forms between two cells.
  • In 91% of the records the mother's conjugate diameter was measured in centimetres: we preserved these units.
  • Bound antibodies were detected with an alkaline phosphatase conjugate by standard methods.
  • Rabies Recombinant Nucleoprotein, Horse anti-, FITC Conjugate.
  • It is important to learn to conjugate irregular verbs.
  • Second, objective function was minimized with conjugate gradient technique.
  • This paper presents two kinds of improved preconditioned conjugate gradient method for solution of large sparse symmetric ill-conditioned linear equations in 3D eddy current field analysis.
  • The conjugate ellipsograph is designed according to the characteristics of the main—diametral circle.
  • N step restart conjugate gradient routine is used to speed up the convergence rate.
  • The conjugate with sodium periodate had the higher efficiency of energy transfer than that with glutaraldehyde conjugate.
  • When the variance was known and the conjugate prior distribution was normal, a Bayes estimation of loss-function and risk function of logarithmic normal distribution was given.
  • A conjugate gradient iterative procedure was used to solve the algebraic problems arising from those two approximate schemes.
  • If you weld two pieces of metal together with a blow torch, you conjugate them into one solid whole.