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conformity - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of conformity in Hindi

  • अनुपालन
  • अनुरूपता
  • अनुसारिता
  • समनुरूपता

conformity Definition


  • compliance with standards, rules, or laws.

conformity Example

  •  We must act in conformity with local regulations. ( हमें स्थानीय नियमों के अनुरूप कार्य करना चाहिए। )
  • We work to ensure conformity with the customer’s wishes. ( हम ग्राहक की इच्छा के अनुरूप काम करना चाहते हैं। )
  • It’s depressing how much conformity there is in such young children. ( यह निराशाजनक है कि ऐसे छोटे बच्चों में कितनी अनुरूपता है। )
  • Order and group conformity through bureaucratic systematization became the rule of the day; disobedience and open rebellion the rare exception. ( नौकरशाही प्रणालीकरण के माध्यम से आदेश और समूह अनुरूपता दिन का नियम बन गया; अवज्ञा और खुला विद्रोह दुर्लभ अपवाद है। )
  • Jared did not fit in well in the private school because he rebelled against the conformity of having to dress like everyone else. ( जारेड निजी स्कूल में अच्छी तरह से फिट नहीं था क्योंकि उसने हर किसी की तरह पोशाक पहनने की अनुरूपता के खिलाफ विद्रोह किया था। )

More Sentence

  • I think the reward for conformity is that everyone likes you except yourself. Rita Mae Brown
  • This contact made him study the issue of conformity to the established church.
  • In Western societies not conformity but variety and relaxed living are now in fashion.  
  • The racism and bigotry of 'Alfs', they thought, were a product of suburban consumerism and conformity.  
  • All surgical interventions and anesthesia were conducted in conformity with institutioned guidelines.  
  • This conformity makes them not false in a few particulars, authors of a few lies, but false in all particulars.
  • Staff may be appraised both upon the quantity of calls made or received and conformity to the script.
  • Film noir has thus far managed to escape the conformity trap, remaining a flexible forum for dark ruminations.
  • For conformity and submission to exist within a society, there must be a corresponding need to find security in authority and power.  
  • The show is a chilling indictment of what happens when sanity is equated with conformity.
  • While these symptoms impart a conformity to the clinical presentation, the underlying psychodynamic psychopathology is varied.
  • In a way, Facebook causes some people to adhere to conformity by liking posts simply because others have favored the same post.  
  • Under certain conditions, conformity thus assumes an understandable significance.
  • At best, this organization achieves a grudging, superficial conformity to officially sanctioned patterns of thought and action.
  • For them the key to societal continuity is conformity due to learnt rules of conduct.
  • With the former, conformity to objective fact is the standard of reliability.
  • The company will operate practically in conformity with cultural expectations.
  • This culture prizes conformity, and frowns on any form of rebellion.
  • the goods were in conformity with the contract
  • conformity to regulations
  • these changes are intended to ensure conformity between all schemes
  • April left her job of conformity on the assembly line and became a painter.
  • loyalty to one's party need not imply unquestioning conformity