
confiscation - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of confiscation in Hindi

  • जब्ती
  • अधिहरण
  • राज्यसात्‌करण
  • राज्य द्वारा हरण
  • ज़ब्ती

confiscation Definition


  • the action of taking or seizing someone's property with authority; seizure.

confiscation Example

  • a court ordered the confiscation of her property. ( एक अदालत ने उसकी संपत्ति को जब्त करने का आदेश दिया। )
  • The land was acquired either by confiscation from disaffected states or in exchange for a lowering of tribute. ( भूमि को या तो अप्रभावित राज्यों से जब्त करके या श्रद्धांजलि कम करने के बदले में अधिग्रहित किया गया था। )
  • This was a period of military tribunals, dragooning, wholesale T Bach confiscation 'and all manner of brutalities.' ( यह सैन्य ट्रिब्यूनल, ड्रैगूनिंग, थोक टी बाख जब्त 'और सभी तरह की क्रूरताओं का दौर था।' )
  • In 1867 King George had agreed to accept Prussian bonds to the value of about 1,600,000 as compensation for the confiscation of his estates in Hanover. ( 1867 में किंग जॉर्ज ने हनोवर में अपने सम्पदा को जब्त करने के मुआवजे के रूप में प्रशिया बांड को लगभग 1,600,000 मानने पर सहमति व्यक्त की थी। )
  • While Chrysostom disapproved of the execution of heretics, he approved "the prohibition of their assemblies and the confiscation of their churches." ( जबकि क्राइसोस्टॉम ने विधर्मियों के निष्पादन को अस्वीकार कर दिया, उन्होंने "उनकी सभाओं के निषेध और उनके चर्चों की जब्ती" को मंजूरी दे दी। )

More Sentence

  • Penalties include fine, jail or confiscation of the offending computer.
  • -- Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
  • Still, even the confiscation of one kilogram has prompted concerns.
  • The latest confiscation was called a " land grab"
  • We are against any confiscation of Arab land in east Jerusalem.
  • Some Arab officials expressed skepticism the confiscations would actually be rescinded.
  • The court also ordered the confiscation of their money and property.
  • _limit confiscation of Jerusalem identification cards from east Jerusalem Arabs;
  • Items without stamps are considered smuggled goods and subject to confiscation.
  • He now fled to Russia, where he was interned at Kaluga, while at home he was condemned to confiscation and death as a traitor, and his unjustly accused mistress Magdalena Rudenschold was publicly whipped to gratify an old grudge of the regent's.
  • Large confiscations of the estates in the county were made in 1586, and on the termination of the wars of 1641; and in 1666 the restoration of his estates to the 4th Viscount Mayo involved another confiscation, at the expense of Cromwell's settlers.
  • Confiscation of property had been ' See M.
  • The union of the two orders, already suggested at the council of Lyons in 1245, was nominally achieved by the council of Vienne in 1311; but the so-called "union" was in reality the suppression of the Templars, and the confiscation of all their resources by the cupidity of Philippe le Bel.
  • A plausible excuse was found in the next year for issuing a sentence of confiscation and banishment against Falkes de Breaute.
  • The new laws allow the confiscation of assets purchased with proceeds of the drugs trade.
  • Debate over the far-reaching consequences of the attempted confiscation action should not die with their acquittal.
  • The judge said he would hold an assets confiscation hearing on Emmett in November.
  • The fund will take out insurance against confiscation and government interference in the repatriation of profits.
  • If convicted they now face heavy fines, confiscation of goods, and even imprisonment.
  • The provisions on drug trafficking streamline the confiscation procedure.
  • Special confiscation orders are problematic for a number of reasons.
  • He demanded the confiscation of all private estates, the nationalization of the land, and its management by local peasant soviets.
  • That the confiscation of personal property and private fortunes promotes wealth creation is a non sequitur!.
  • No one was shocked when Herist ordered a citywide weapon confiscation and a weekly inspection of the city’s smithies.
  • The confiscation of property and nationalization of major business entities have reduced the Cuban population to poverty.
  • The law of reprisal had nothing to do with the affair, and the confiscation of our property excludes the idea of restoration.
  • The daroga was let off with the loss of the imperial favor, the confiscation of his property and an order of perpetual banishment.
  • Not that gold confiscation would happen again, mainly because we are off the gold standard, but it is just better not to keep it at any bank.
  • Sandra, Orion, Jack and other Ultimans of the rebellion were about to confiscate Rhonda at the confiscation point, when Cleo came into the scene.
  • Judge orders confiscation of smuggler’s £1.5m assets Drugs baron faces 15 years in solitary.
  • Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
  • To meet the expenses entailed by his liberality and extravagance, Gregory resorted to confiscation, on the pretext of defective titles or long-standing arrearages.