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condescending - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of condescending in Hindi

  • कृपालु
  • कृपाशील

condescending Definition


  • having or showing a feeling of patronizing superiority.

condescending Example

  • a condescending smile ( एक कृपालु मुस्कान )
  • He seemed to be condescending to his companion. ( वह अपने साथी के लिए कृपालु लग रहा था। )
  • The French have a reputation of being condescending with Americans, but I found them to be warm and welcoming. ( फ्रांसीसी के पास अमेरिकियों के साथ कृपालु होने की प्रतिष्ठा है, लेकिन मैंने उन्हें गर्म और स्वागत करने वाला पाया। )
  • He read it with the same condescending tone with which it was written. ( उन्होंने इसे उसी कृपालु स्वर के साथ पढ़ा जिसके साथ यह लिखा गया था। )
  • Bob's mansplaining and condescending attitude frustrated Natalie since she was the far more experienced engineer. ( बॉब के मैन्सप्लेनिंग और कृपालु रवैये ने नताली को निराश किया क्योंकि वह अधिक अनुभवी इंजीनियर थी। )

More Sentence

  • His condescending tone was as annoying as the words.
  • He said it was very condescending for me to make it.
  • Quindlen's columns tended to be smart but not condescending.
  • As background, such shows are valuable, if somewhat condescending.
  • Stoic face, nose in the air, a condescending aura.
  • Maybe he didn't mean to sound smug or condescending.
  • "Hesh " is self-indulgent and condescending.
  • To his critics, he was condescending and given to arrogance.
  • Rather than condescending to medieval Catholicism, Ackroyd empathetically observes it.
  • It's difficult to see condescending in a sentence .
  • They said technicians were flippant, condescending, deceitful and incompetent.
  • I was impatient, cranky and maybe just a tad condescending.
  • Performances are tuned to that condescending, kids-only level.
  • Colleagues at the Getty considered him mean, condescending and unpleasant.
  • Good bakers, I have found, can be insufferably condescending.
  • Jackson always picked some condescending nickname for her beaus.
  • His condescending attitude made it clear Steve thought he was superior to all of the other interns.
  • Your condescending tone is making me feel patronized and insulted.
  • she thought the teachers were arrogant and condescending
  • I immediately lose respect for anyone who speaks in a condescending way to their employees.
  • You must be careful not to raise children with condescending personalities.
  • The sales associates were rude and condescending, and ditto for the manager.
  • Judith's words to her little sister were cruel and condescending.
  • When frustrated, Nick's boss speaks to him in a highly condescending manner.