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concilliate - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of concilliate in Hindi

  • समझौता करना
  • समाधान करना
  • मना लेना
  • सुलह करना
  • सांत्वना देना

concilliate Definition


  • stop (someone) from being angry or discontented; placate; pacify.
  • gain (esteem or goodwill).

concilliate Example

  • concessions were made to conciliate the peasantry ( किसानों को सहमत करने के लिए रियायतें दी गईं )
  • The emperor Was still disposed to conciliate the Jews; and, at the instance of Agrippa, son of Agrippa I., Cumanus was banished. ( यहूदियों को अपमानित करने के लिए सम्राट को अभी भी निपटाया गया था; और, अग्रिप्पा I के बेटे, अग्रिप्पा के कहने पर, कमानुस को भगा दिया गया। )
  • he sought to conciliate in the dispute ( उन्होंने विवाद में सहमति बनाने की कोशिश की )
  • Clinton told Congress the administration's conciliate conciliatory policy toward Iran is not open - ended. ( क्लिंटन ने कांग्रेस को बताया कि ईरान के प्रति प्रशासन की ठोस नीति खुली नहीं है। )
  • The present measure is evidently intended as a propitiatory sacrifice to conciliate Napoleon—to induce him to become our friend, and to cease to rob and plunder our defenceless citizens. ( वर्तमान उपाय का स्पष्ट रूप से नेपोलियन को अपमानित करने के लिए एक प्रस्तावक बलिदान के रूप में इरादा है - उसे हमारे दोस्त बनने के लिए प्रेरित करने के लिए, और हमारे रक्षाहीन नागरिकों को लूटने और लूटना बंद करने के लिए। )

More Sentence

  • The United States had a right to expect something like justice from this able Minister, because he entertained a sincere desire to conciliate the friendship of this nation by acts of justice.
  • Altogether such heroism as was displayed by the Russian warriors cannot be imagined or adequately praised! said Berg, glancing round at Natásha, and as if anxious to conciliate her, replying to her intent look with a smile.
  • To bring about a separation of the States, under distinct and independent governments, is an affair of more uncertainty, and, however desirable, cannot be effected but by a series of acts and a long-continued policy tending to irritate the Southern and conciliate the Northern people.
  • She watched his countenance as if she were particularly wishful to be assured that he took kindly to his reception, she showed every possible desire to conciliate him, and there was an air of humble propitiation in all she did, such as I have seen pervade the bearing of a child towards a hard master.
  • His prudent measures at once re-established some degree of order in the army and the fleet, while he sought by a wise tolerance to improve the position and conciliate the sympathies of the non-Moslem subject races.
  • It can conciliate China and the west, transfix in the ancient and modern, help to enforce and manage state affairs--- The law science blueprint what he describe have democratic, scientific character.
  • Its proposition conciliate Chinese and western cultures with a prudent and mild attitude is somewhat reasonable.
  • We conciliate a large customs'faith with high quality and service in these years.
  • He made no attempt to conciliate them.
  • The efforts of his father to conciliate him next day were a great humiliation to him.
  • The British and French had intended that appeasement would conciliate and deter Hitler.
  • It is useless to attempt to conciliate you: I see I have made an eternal enemy of you.
  • Knowing what was proper, and feeling at the moment a special need to conciliate and get on with them, Mr.
  • To conciliate the Boers of Zoutpansberg the new-born assembly at Potchefstroom appointed Stephanus Schoeman, the commandantgeneral of the Zoutpansberg district, commandant-general of the whole country.
  • I should do well to conciliate this ancient Mammon of Unrighteousness.
  • Article 54 The arbitration tribunal may conciliate cases in the manner it considers appropriate.
  • These changes have been made in an attempt to conciliate critics of the plan.
  • Although Rawls emphasised on the priority of private right in political Liberalism, this was no success to conciliate individual and group.
  • Before mediating between the two parties, the judge attempted to conciliate the plaintiff to prevent unnecessary litigation.  
  • The seasoned ambassador did his utmost to conciliate France after fighting broke out along its southern border, to no avail.
  • Lily is my only love, whose coolness and elegance conciliate my soul.
  • the arts which conciliate popularity