comulus - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of comulus in Hindi
comulus Definition
- cloud forming rounded masses heaped on each other above a flat base at fairly low altitude.
comulus Example
- If I have no autopilot, do I want to spend 2 hours stuck in bumpy Cumulus? ( अगर मेरे पास कोई ऑटोपायलट नहीं है, तो क्या मैं ऊबड़-खाबड़ क्यूम्यलस में फंसे 2 घंटे बिताना चाहता हूं? )
- At noon there were many fair weather cumulus over Anglesey but cloud development to the N and S continued. ( दोपहर के समय एंग्लिसी के ऊपर कई अच्छे मौसम मेघपुंज थे लेकिन एन और एस के लिए बादल का विकास जारी रहा। )
- Mr Halloway whetted his forefinger, tested the wind, and sent a cumulus her way. ( मिस्टर हैलोवे ने अपनी तर्जनी को घुमाया, हवा का परीक्षण किया, और एक क्यूम्यलस को उसके रास्ते भेजा। )
- Cumulus clouds in an otherwise clear sky are likely to have been formed over land. ( अन्यथा स्पष्ट आकाश में मेघपुंज बादलों के भूमि पर बनने की संभावना है। )
More Sentence
- They are staring up at a sky raveled with cumulus but otherwise a superheated blue.
- Cumulus clouds at sea in an otherwise cloudless sky are often an indication of land beneath them.
- The sky was full of billowy cumulus clouds that moved ever so slowly across the expansive backdrop of gradient blues.
- Not summer's zones alone--not chants of youth, or south's warm tides alone, But held by sluggish floes, pack'd in the northern ice, the cumulus.
- After thirty minutes of joyful parading, the girls were deposited at their quarters as giant cumulus cloud formations radiated red gold from the setting sun.
- But there were well-developed cumulus cloud to be seen associated with troughs in Liverpool Bay (sferics seen later) and over Snowdonia.
- Some passing fair-weather cumulus over Anglesey gave way to almost clear skies during the afternoon.
- Over the hills towering cumulus started to shoot up in rows.
- cumulus humilis are the only likely clouds to be created.
- cumulus convection, must be represented approximately or ` parameterized ' .
- Vast irregular masses of white and purple cumulus drifted rapidly over the sky.
- There were explosions, fireballs in the air and rising cumulus clouds of varicolored smoke and dust.
- The vapour having then risen, occupied the upper air in the form of light cirrostratus and cumulus clouds.
- We have already spoken of the cloud called cumulus (which means heap) and of its performance during the dry season of summer.
- This coign of safety billowed outward from the pattern towards the building like an arm of cumulus cloud and the top of it rose like a column to a height above my range.
- I could see the cumulus clouds sailing through the blue atmosphere, and thought if only we were there, only had land under us, then all our troubles would sink into oblivion.
- Strong daytime sea breezes produce fair weather cumulus clouds on the immediate coastline.
- The huge schools of the jellyfish follow the sun around the lake, moving like cumulus clouds across a sky.
- Later in the afternoon into the evening the sky cleared over most of the island leaving towering cumulus over the mainland mountains.
- Intense devils may eventually be topped by a small cumulus.
- But, with nothing save the odd patch of fluffy white cumulus in the sky, I wasn't worried about the weather turning.
- Here are two of the anvils with a bank of lower cumulus in the foreground.
- In summer, the growth of increasingly large cumulus often heralds the arrival of the front.
- cumulus clouds; there were no further showers during the during the day.