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complacently - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of complacently in Hindi

  • तृप्ति से
  • आत्मतुष्टिपूर्वक

complacently Definition


  • showing smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements.

complacently Example

  • Yet to view this deal complacently would be a mistake. ( फिर भी इस सौदे को शालीनता से देखना एक गलती होगी। )
  • Benjamin said complacently, " so the Jews could get away ." ( बेंजामिन ने शालीनता से कहा, "तो यहूदी दूर हो सकते हैं।" )
  • It was a waste of time to bring him out, he cried, rubbing his hands complacently. ( उसे बाहर लाने के लिए समय की बर्बादी हुई, वह रोया, अपने हाथों को रगड़ते हुए। )
  • There is something to be said in trusting in God, pointed out Em complacently. ( ईश्वर पर भरोसा करने के लिए कुछ कहा जाना चाहिए, एम ने शालीनता से कहा। )
  • And it went off all right; all this was uttered very easily, unconstrainedly and complacently. ( और यह सब ठीक हो गया; यह सब बहुत आसानी से, अनर्गल और शालीनता से बोला गया। )

More Sentence

  • Two German built cars shimmered complacently in the sunlight, oozing affluence across the gravel.
  • Several of our men fell, among them the round-faced officer who had marched so gaily and complacently.
  • He found the British dance public and its companies devitalized after the war and complacently parochial.  
  • Yet Matsushita has complacently milked the cash cows of refrigerators and televisions for too long.
  • One of the boys sleeps on a sofa while the other stares complacently at the camera, arms raised apprehensively.  
  • How could anyone be so complacently content with how the education system is today honestly?
  • The guys who run the companies now are sheep complacently chewing on their dollar bills.  
  • Within the state, supporters complacently expected the measure to pass and were slow to mobilize.
  • I think, she continued, complacently, as we struck out for the shore, not far distant, I chose a very nice place for spilling us.
  • After all, Rafferty told himself complacently, he lacked the necessary nose and all the degrees in the world wouldn't provide him with one.
  • Yes, your honor, the soldier replied complacently, and rolling his eyes more than ever he drew himself up still straighter, but did not move.
  • Andrea drove past the last house in the village without saying a word to his companion, who smiled complacently, as though well-pleased to find himself travelling in so comfortable a vehicle.
  • Your editorial complacently endorsed the notion of matching the European Union average on health spending.  
  • It's difficult to see complacently in a sentence .
  • Hunsecker remarks complacently as he watches a noisy drunk ejected onto the streets from a nightclub.
  • This is all rather like a dog complacently assuming that you will give him the entire turkey if he merely sits on his hind legs and limps his forepaws.  
  • Liverpool began the second half as complacently as the first, seemingly content with the draw.
  • On the other hand, as a critic and derider of the system which Blackstone had complacently expounded he did excellent service.  
  • If they act so complacently, they will lose in competition with securities dealers and foreign banks.