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competitveness - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of competitveness in Hindi

  • प्रतिस्पर्धा

competitveness Definition


  • possession of a strong desire to be more successful than others.
  • the quality of being as good as or better than others of a comparable nature.

competitveness Example

  • the competitiveness of the agricultural sector ( कृषि क्षेत्र की प्रतिस्पर्धा )
  • You could almost see the flames of competitiveness burning inside him and, although fierce, he was a man of character and kindness.  ( आप लगभग उसके भीतर प्रतिस्पर्धा की ज्वाला को देख सकते थे और यद्यपि भयंकर थे, वह चरित्र और दयालुता के व्यक्ति थे। ) 
  • Future investments will be concentrated into the automotive business in order to improve its competitiveness. ( भविष्य की प्रतिस्पर्धात्मकता को बेहतर बनाने के लिए मोटर वाहन व्यवसाय में निवेश को केंद्रित किया जाएगा। )
  • We met at a conference on industrial competitiveness and no, we never consummated our relationship sexually.  ( हम औद्योगिक प्रतिस्पर्धा पर एक सम्मेलन में मिले थे और नहीं, हमने कभी भी यौन संबंध नहीं बनाए। )

More Sentence

  • In occidental astrology mars is in Taurus which represents less energy and competitiveness than mars in Aries.  
  • Setting up a website will in itself improve your company's competitiveness rating.  
  • He is highly respected throughout the cricket association for his skill and competitiveness.  
  • This sets the boys into a frenzy of competitiveness carefully concealed behind the private school ethic of nonchalance.
  • a lot of people get wrapped up in competitiveness and jealousy
  • Council on Competitiveness, Competitiveness Index 5 ( July 1994 ).
  • Rapid productivity has enhanced Taiwan's competitiveness in global markets.
  • It's difficult to see competitiveness in a sentence .
  • High inflation reduces the competitiveness of exports by boosting production costs.
  • It also reduces costs and boosts competitiveness of companies like airlines.
  • It can even hurt, rather than help, export competitiveness.
  • That's the answer to the competitiveness problem ."
  • But the collapse of competitiveness in the 1970s changed that view.
  • Trouble is, the benefits of competitiveness are often long term.
  • Other shareholders said it will improve the combined companies'competitiveness.
  • Japan will lose global competitiveness unless it changes, critics warn.
  • "They are the core of America's competitiveness.
  • Companies contend that high wages costs are undermining their international competitiveness.
  • shoppers are often pleasantly surprised by the competitiveness of the prices
  • These figures exaggerate the loss of competitiveness.
  • Profits and international competitiveness suffered accordingly.
  • It measures a country's competitiveness in world markets.
  • Do environmental agreements or world competitiveness rules have priority?
  • Keisha's enthusiasm and competitiveness rubbed off on the rest of the sales team.
  • That is already improving our competitiveness and we shall see its effects on job creation before much longer.
  • The benefit to competitiveness would be short-term, while the damage to our credibility as an economy would be massive.
  • In the global economy, competitiveness is a race with no finish line, and gains in competitiveness are fleeting.
  • It is only on the world market that we can prove the competitiveness and quality of our goods.
  • The French are on solid ground when they argue that competitiveness is no reason for devaluation.
  • The nature of the learning experiences in each room eliminates another barrier, competitiveness.
  • The government says the move will help to create jobs and improve the competitiveness of the economy.