competently - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of competently in Hindi
competently Definition
- in an efficient and capable way.
competently Example
- one of the most competently directed comedies in recent years ( हाल के वर्षों में सबसे सक्षम निर्देशित कॉमेडी में से एक )
- They have served very diligently, very competently and very effectively. ( उन्होंने बहुत लगन से, बहुत सक्षमता से और बहुत प्रभावी ढंग से सेवा की है। )
- And " Deceiver " is more than competently delivered. ( और "डिसेवर" सक्षम रूप से वितरित की तुलना में अधिक है। )
- On the highway, the Land Cruiser cruises quietly and competently. ( राजमार्ग पर, लैंड क्रूजर चुपचाप और सक्षम रूप से परिभ्रमण करता है। )
- A player with limited tournament experience will beat a hardened pro if he is dealt good cards and plays them competently. ( सीमित टूर्नामेंट के अनुभव वाला एक खिलाड़ी एक कड़े समर्थक को हरा देगा यदि वह अच्छे कार्डों को निपटाए और उन्हें सक्षम रूप से खेले। )
More Sentence
- Individually, they are effective communicators who can competently manage group discussions in difficult situations.
- He does his job quietly and competently, seldom drawing criticism.
- I can be, but I have to be competently spontaneous.
- It's tough to improve upon a competently grilled steak.
- He appeared to carry out the tasks competently but without distinction.
- Out in the hills beyond the Eternal City, the car was delightful to drive, coping competently with small country roads and fast autostrada alike.
- The music was sophisticated and competently rendered but not earth-shaking.
- For a while it seems nothing more than worthy and competently executed.
- With the air of a competent man competently doing his work with competence, he stalked over to the footlocker underneath his workbench.
- Incidentally, if his list has been competently selected in the first instance, there should be no need for frequent or numerous changes.
- Big Business now has a global work force of dishonest cheats, and thieves; who are never on time and cannot be relied upon to do anything competently.
- Robinson competently conveys nerviness, anger and frustration, but the ultimate despair his character must feel doesn't quite register.
- As expected, the Crown Vic rides comfortably and competently.
- The instruments were competently played by members of the all-female orchestra.
- But as soon as I thought about that, my mind again started to argue with me, assuring me that this is an ordinary, simple man, just competently understanding philosophy, religion, psychology, history, physiology, medicine, and physics.
- In investment theory there is no reason why carefully estimated future earnings should be a less reliable guide than the bare record of the past; in fact, security analysis is coming more and more to prefer a competently executed evaluation of the future.
- it's only competently sung and it's all but devoid of character