competent - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of competent in Hindi
- सक्षम
- समर्थ
- निपुण
- सुयोग्य
- सामथर्यवान
- अधिकार-युक्त
- योग्य
- पर्याप्त
competent Definition
- having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully.
competent Example
- a highly competent surgeon ( एक अत्यधिक सक्षम सर्जन )
- Most of them are not wealthy or trained or competent, and a lot are just crackpots. ( उनमें से ज्यादातर धनी या प्रशिक्षित या सक्षम नहीं हैं, और बहुत सारे सिर्फ दरार हैं। )
- I get the potty for Eldest Son, Harry, who is quite competent at being out of diapers, and who clearly knows his own mind. ( मुझे सबसे बड़े बेटे, हैरी के लिए पॉटी मिलती है, जो डायपर से बाहर होने में काफी सक्षम है, और जो अपने स्वयं के मन को स्पष्ट रूप से जानता है। )
- The loss of a competent ironmaster could reduce the efficiency of a plant by a third. ( एक सक्षम आयरनमास्टर की हानि एक संयंत्र की दक्षता को एक तिहाई तक कम कर सकती है। )
- She has a lot of time left to develop her skills and to become a competent and inventive designer. ( अपने कौशल को विकसित करने और एक सक्षम और आविष्कारशील डिजाइनर बनने के लिए उसके पास बहुत समय है। )
More Sentence
- Apart from the competent conventional work, there are also distinctly Australian design genres emerging.
- she spoke quite competent French
- At each level of the operation I found highly competent people.
- The movie is a professionally competent effort, but so what?
- I went away feeling there was a competent person in charge.
- But Georgie Packwood is a competent working woman, no bimbo.
- We had competent outside counsel who were giving me independent views.
- No competent lawyer will ever let him testify at this stage.
- Still at issue is whether Page is competent to stand trial.
- She was young, intelligent, competent, trustworthy and productive.
- It could have been made by any just-competent director.
- the governor was not the competent authority to deal with the matter
- She always does a competent job.
- He did a competent job.
- She was praised for her competent handling of the crisis.
- It's a competent enough piece of writing but it lacks flair.
- She was mentally competent and she had the capacity to decide for herself.
- He's a competent enough officer, but I doubt he'll ever make general.
- We assume that competent doctors emerge at the end of an obstacle course of traditional examinations based on facts.
- A year of college had made her more socially competent.
- The defence argued that a regional court was not competent to try their case.
- make sure the firm is competent to carry out the work
- What if he abstained from any interference with one so competent to guide himself?
- Are these not the very cases which interested nations are least competent to decide?
- The luck that watches over the competent took her back unmolested by the enemy.
- The former is the imperial worship; the emperor alone is competent to attend to it.
- Several competent judges are of opinion that this ballad is contemporary with the events which it relates.
- Sometimes he was chosen by the tribe as the strongest and bravest man and most competent to lead them against their enemies.
- Neither husband nor wife was competent as a witness to testify either for or against the other in civil or criminal cases.
- And if mankind is not competent to judge for itself, why do they talk so much about universal suffrage?
- an infinitely competent mother of three