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compass - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of compass in Hindi

  • दिशा सूचक यंत्र
  • कंपास
  • परिधि
  • हद
  • विस्त्सार
  • परकार
  • क़ुतुबनुमा
  • घेरना
  • पहुंचना
  • पहुंच जाना

compass Definition


  • an instrument containing a magnetized pointer which shows the direction of magnetic north and bearings from it.
  • an instrument for drawing circles and arcs and measuring distances between points, consisting of two arms linked by a movable joint, one arm ending in a point and the other usually carrying a pencil or pen.


  • go around (something) in a circular course.
  • contrive to accomplish (something).

compass Example

  • a regular heptagon cannot be constructed accurately with only ruler and compass. ( एक नियमित रूप से हेप्टागन का निर्माण केवल शासक और कम्पास के साथ नहीं किया जा सकता है। )
  • She could not compass the simplest problems. ( वह सरलतम समस्याओं का सामना नहीं कर सकती थी। )
  • Sightseers arrived from all points of the compass. ( कम्पास के सभी बिंदुओं से साइटर्स पहुंचे। )
  • The compass is an instrument of navigation. ( कम्पास नेविगेशन का एक उपकरण है। )
  • With so many moral compasses to choose from, liberals could not determine right from wrong. ( इतने सारे नैतिक कम्पास से चुनने के लिए, उदारवादी गलत से सही का निर्धारण नहीं कर सकते थे। )

More Sentence

  • Elfric was bent over the tracing floor, drawing with a pair of compasses – on a fresh layer of plaster.
  • I think I might be doomed to live in the room under my mother’s until I stab myself with a pair of compasses.
  • A bale of Islamic Prayer Mats had been found, and many had inbuilt compasses to indicate the direction of Mecca.
  • Thou poor, proud heaven-gazer and sun's pilot! yesterday I wrecked thee, and to-day the compasses would fain have wrecked me.
  • In the general confusion, some iron too near the binnacles had attracted the needle of the compasses; the ship was steered out of her course.
  • A few yards down was a shop filled with what Zach called "sea things," from fishing tackle and compasses to longjohns and thick navy-oiled jerseys.
  • They took compass bearings on the tower.
  • The compass needle was pointing north.
  • Take a compass bearing on that mountain.
  • A compass needle points north.
  • the event had political repercussions that are beyond the compass of this book
  • this region had within its compass many types of agriculture
  • Crewe was ideally placed on the rail network, with connections running to all points of the compass
  • a magnetic compass
  • walkers should be equipped with a map and compass
  • Accessory, perhaps, to the impulse dictating the thing he was now about to do, were certain prudential motives, whose object might have been to revive the spirits of his crew by a stroke of his subtile skill, in a matter so wondrous as that of the inverted compasses.
  • Finally, with both Nancy and Maryam satisfied that the designated section leaders had the correct heading set on their compasses and knew where they were and where they were going, the Afghan women lined up and turned towards the Mecca before kneeling for the evening prayers.
  • Deliberately standing before the binnacle, and eyeing the transpointed compasses, the old man, with the sharp of his extended hand, now took the precise bearing of the sun, and satisfied that the needles were exactly inverted, shouted out his orders for the ship's course to be changed accordingly.
  • The belief that a few should take over the thinking of many and decide for all the way things would be, based off of their own screwed up moral compasses justified by the excuse that the majority of society or at least those that mattered most to them would benefit and that the sacrifice of those who wouldn’t was acceptable.
  • the cellos were playing in a rather somber part of their compass