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comparatively - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of comparatively in Hindi

  • अपेक्षाकृत
  • तुलनात्मक
  • तलुना में

comparatively Definition


  • to a moderate degree as compared to something else; relatively.

comparatively Example

  • inflation was comparatively low. ( मुद्रास्फीति तुलनात्मक रूप से कम थी। )
  • He hits it a very long way with comparatively little effort. ( वह तुलनात्मक रूप से बहुत कम प्रयास से इसे बहुत लंबा हिट करता है। )
  • But for the Super Bowl, comparatively few raised their voices. ( लेकिन सुपर बाउल के लिए, तुलनात्मक रूप से कुछ लोगों ने आवाज उठाई। )
  • Like the comparatively slower ramjet counterpart, the scramjet has a simple mechanical design with no moving parts.  ( तुलनात्मक रूप से धीमे रैमजेट समकक्ष की तरह, स्क्रैमजेट में कोई चलते-फिरते भागों के साथ एक सरल यांत्रिक डिजाइन है। )
  • The Hanukkah gift-giving chain is comparatively short, indeed. ( हनुक्का उपहार देने वाली श्रृंखला तुलनात्मक रूप से बहुत कम है। )

More Sentence

  • Why do people still travel to New York to write musicals despite the comparatively few new author names on Broadway marquees?  
  • But they have managed to succeed with a comparatively modest approach.
  • A storm shelter or basement is comparatively more expensive to build.
  • Gold is found chiefly in placers, and in colonial times the output was large, but the deposits were long ago exhausted and the industry is now comparatively unimportant.
  • Even the supply of people has comparatively failed.
  • The man’s comparatively small mouth opened with a roar.
  • Subsequent advances have been comparatively incremental.
  • There had been a collision, but it was comparatively mild.
  • Such changes are comparatively rare, and tend to balance one.
  • There are comparatively few paintings that I can really enjoy.
  • And in a comparatively short time the risks came home to roost.
  • As has been intimated this condition lasted down until a comparatively recent period.
  • I am one of those men who do not mind going about with a comparatively naked bottle.
  • But railroad building was not the quick and comparatively simple thing then that it is to-day.
  • The space is so comparatively small, but one feels as though it were all Ireland in microcosm.
  • To overcome the difficulties in case of a Moor and Christian princess was comparatively easy.
  • The fact that he had ventured now to speak showed that he believed that they were comparatively safe.
  • The mere fact of the possession of aeroplanes by a nation is a military factor of comparatively little importance.
  • It seemed so long since she had lived with these things about her, and a heart comparatively care-free.
  • It considered that the threat to public policy was, comparatively speaking, only moderate.  
  • The people are generally courteous and kindly, the island being still comparatively rarely visited by foreigners, while Italians seem to regard it as almost a place of exile.
  • Comparatively few voters really care about the team, he believes.
  • This suggests the existence of a comparatively long-lived quiescent tectonic regime over that interval.  
  • The comparatively lower salaries mattered less because doctors enjoyed autonomy and esteem.  
  • Germany's comparatively high jobless figure is also a reflection of the way the country compiles its data.  
  • For all the millions that the Londoners have splashed out, aesthetes find them a comparatively ugly side to watch