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communities - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of communities in Hindi

  • समुदाय

communities Definition


communities Example

  • For all Christian communities it was a. ( सभी ईसाई समुदायों के लिए यह एक था। )
  • Small communities have no secrets, or at least find it extremely difficult to have any. ( छोटे समुदायों के पास कोई रहस्य नहीं है, या कम से कम यह किसी भी व्यक्ति के लिए बेहद मुश्किल है। )
  • The automobile created the new communities. ( ऑटोमोबाइल ने नए समुदायों का निर्माण किया। )
  • The same is true of communities of practice. ( अभ्यास के समुदायों के बारे में भी यही सच है। )

More Sentence

  • More remarkable religious communities were never gathered into single congregations.
  • BGC is actively involved in the communities.
  • You have to be very creative to draw from both communities.
  • See what has occurred in our communities or.
  • The simplest form of switchboard is that for serving small communities in rural districts.
  • That is the downfall of all many communities.
  • In order to advertise and boom their communities free gas is usually offered to factories.
  • Such communities have been historically poor.
  • It's difficult to see communities in a sentence .
  • Thousands had gone there, whole communities.
  • The communities are often small and close-knit.
  • The Mormon communities grew fast, and soon began to send out proselyting missionaries.
  • The wishes of these communities must be a principal consideration in the selection of the mandatory.
  • In the earlier communities practically all law relates to the preservation of life and of the tribe.
  • We have constitutions in civilized communities to prevent robbery and the injustice of majorities upon minorities.
  • So in these communities the land was owned in.
  • Mountaintop removal is killing our communities.
  • And We scattered them into communities on earth.
  • A great fear then fell into Satan’s communities.
  • These new communities are perhaps why the effects of the remote, joystick and mouse represented such a tremendous threat to business as usual.
  • In rural communities the people often do much of their visiting by telephone, and conversations of half an hour in length are not unusual.
  • It seems appropriate that a chapter on communities.