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communicative - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of communicative in Hindi

  • मिलनसार
  • मेली
  • अभिव्यक्तिशील
  • संवादशील
  • प्रेषणशील
  • स्फुट
  • बकवादी

communicative Definition


  • ready to talk or impart information.

communicative Example

  • the patient was alert and communicative. ( रोगी सतर्क और संवादहीन था। )
  • A communicative individual is more likely to be cooperative and informative when you ask them questions. ( जब आप उनसे सवाल पूछते हैं तो एक संप्रेषणीय व्यक्ति सहकारी और सूचनात्मक होने की अधिक संभावना होती है। )
  • For them, a pidgin is a marginal language which arises to fulfil certain restricted communicative functions among groups with no common language. ( उनके लिए, एक पिजिन एक सीमांत भाषा है जो कुछ सामान्य भाषा वाले समूहों के बीच कुछ प्रतिबंधित संचार कार्यों को पूरा करने के लिए उत्पन्न होती है। )
  • Laurent - by far the more communicative of the two men. ( लॉरेंट - अब तक दो पुरुषों के अधिक संचारी। )

More Sentence

  • At the Communicative level, your goal is simply to convey.
  • Instead he wanted to be confident of his communicative ability.
  • As she was in such a communicative humour, I asked her if she had.
  • He was very communicative last night, and told me more of his life.
  • It is just possible that to-morrow may find him in a more communicative mood.
  • He was of a very communicative and unassuming character, but not without tact.
  • He spoke in an abrupt, independent tone, but evidently he was communicative with a purpose.
  • The suspect the police arrested was very communicative, ready to answer all of their questions to avoid getting in more trouble.
  • the communicative process in literary texts.
  • If you want to get information on some sort of event you weren’t present for, your best bet is to find a communicative witness willing to talk about the event.
  • The editors invite submissions for a new online edited collection exploring discursive, visual, and other communicative features.  
  • They even adopted the boy, whom they recall as a lively, communicative, and welcomed member of the family.  
  • Generally, girls start off in school being more articulate and communicative than their male primary friends.  
  • While you're in a communicative mood, please let us know what you think of our articles, and what subjects you'd like us to cover.  
  • At the moment, Smart is being open and communicative, signs that she has coped well.  
  • His social skills improved so that he became more communicative, conversational and animated.  
  • Well, I'd have to argue that a lot of art photography can be conceptual and communicative, as can painting of course.  
  • It might be much more communicative to apply a nice, cool washcloth to his forehead or to say a word or two and then be quiet.