communicable - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of communicable in Hindi
- मेली
- सूचनीय
- प्रेषणीय
- ज्ञापनीय
- मिलनसार
communicable Definition
- able to be communicated to others.
communicable Example
- a highly communicable form of conjunctivitis ( नेत्रश्लेष्मलाशोथ का एक अत्यधिक संचारी रूप )
- Mental disorders increase risk for communicable and non - communicable diseases, and contribute to unintentional and intentional injury. ( मानसिक विकार संचारी और गैर-संचारी रोगों के लिए जोखिम बढ़ाते हैं, और अनजाने और जानबूझकर चोट के लिए योगदान करते हैं। )
- It requires donor screening and testing to prevent the transmission of communicable diseases. ( यह संचारी रोगों के संचरण को रोकने के लिए दाता जांच और परीक्षण की आवश्यकता है। )
- For example:thief, robber, killer, swindler, communicable disease carrier, pillager , treacherous man, schemer etc, thousands of kinds. ( उदाहरण के लिए: चोर, लुटेरा, हत्यारा, ठग, संचारी रोग वाहक, खंभा, विश्वासघाती आदमी, हकलाने वाला आदि, हजारों प्रकार के। )
- The attackers would have little concern of being exposed to secondary infection because Q fever is not communicable. ( हमलावरों को माध्यमिक संक्रमण के संपर्क में होने की थोड़ी चिंता होगी क्योंकि क्यू बुखार संचारी नहीं है। )
More Sentence
- Feeling something very strongly in our mind often becomes communicable to the horse.
- The extreme mechanistic approach that mainline medicine developed worked well for the great communicable killer diseases.
- In fact leprosy is the least infectious of all the communicable diseases.
- The greatest achievements were obtained in the fight against communicable disease.
- People are forced into overcrowded camps and public buildings, and spread of communicable diseases is facilitated.
- Coordinate astragali polysaccharide + butylamine card that in treating the duck acute communicable disease.
- They state that consultants in communicable disease control provide a valuable role in assessing and explaining the relative risks.
- the value of the product must be communicable to the potential consumers
- The program provides technical and operational support for control of communicable diseases in humanitarian emergencies.
- In this article, we study spreading process of SIS communicable disease with vaccination.
- There are only two things a child will share willingly: communicable diseases and his mother's age.
- The Burnet Institute was founded in 1986, and is Australia's largest communicable diseases research institute.
- the fight against communicable disease