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communalism - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of communalism in Hindi

  • सांप्रदायिकता
  • संप्रदायवाद
  • कौमवाद

communalism Definition


  • a principle of political organization based on federated communes.
  • allegiance to one's own ethnic group rather than to the wider society.

communalism Example

  • suburban individualism and inner-city communalism ( उपनगरीय व्यक्तिवाद और आंतरिक शहर सांप्रदायिकता )
  • I am very left wing, I think communalism is superior to our society. ( मैं बहुत वामपंथी हूं, मुझे लगता है कि सांप्रदायिकता हमारे समाज से बेहतर है। )
  • The prime minister also called terrorism, fundamentalism and communalism the biggest challenges to Indian unity. ( प्रधानमंत्री ने आतंकवाद, कट्टरवाद और सांप्रदायिकता को भारतीय एकता की सबसे बड़ी चुनौती भी कहा। )
  • The spirit of communalism, separatism, of belonging to a particular class or ideology, to a religion, does ultimately create conflict and antagonism between human beings. ( सांप्रदायिकता, अलगाववाद की भावना, एक विशेष वर्ग या विचारधारा से संबंधित, एक धर्म के लिए, अंततः मनुष्य के बीच संघर्ष और विरोध पैदा करती है। )
  • Increasingly, she wrote against religious communalism, fundamentalism and superstitions. ( बढ़ते हुए, उसने धार्मिक सांप्रदायिकता, कट्टरवाद और अंधविश्वासों के खिलाफ लिखा। )

More Sentence

  • Communalism degrades religion, by making it a political tool.
  • In some, communalism is a major political issue.
  • He has also discussed the problems of Indian communalism.
  • "We have seen the tragedy of religious communalism in India and elsewhere.
  • It's difficult to see communalism in a sentence .
  • It believes in eradicating unemployment, starvation, communalism, exploitation from the society.
  • Hillkowitz contrasted the individualism of anarchism with the communalism of socialism in the piece.
  • Right through this period we saw the rise of casteism and communalism.
  • She had participated in several plays and demonstrations denouncing communalism.
  • In a certain sense, liberalism and communalism is just the ideology rhetoric of the outer basis that individuals and types are opposed to each other.
  • They went further by espousing scientific socialism under the guise of " Black Communalism ".
  • He was a lifelong fighter against communalism.
  • Communalism is not unique to South Asia.
  • Zora entered with a noble statement that there is no place for Communalism in Wikipedia.
  • Lalit strongly opposes communalism and the use of ethno-religious labels for official purposes.
  • The social and political ideas of the Confucian school in East Asia had"communalism"as the value orientation with the Confucian School in China and in South Korea as the representatives.
  • Sentencedict.com is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
  • The other serious problem in the eyes of the new government is communalism.
  • It had not been able to clarify its position on vital issues such as Punjab violence and communalism.
  • Social relationships are characterized simultaneously by individuation and communalism, both processes using, at the same time, spatial patterning and on-line communication.
  • In the national movement of India, Muslim elite turned to communalism road that they thought of the communal interests at the first step.
  • Though they had different features of historical forms, they had the basic traits of the communalism of the Confucian School in East Asia.
  • In the national movement of India, Muslim elite turned to communalism road theat the first step.
  • The social and political ideas of the Confucian school in East Asia had”communalism”as the value orientation with the Confucian School in China and in South Korea as the representatives.
  • The paper is a reflection on the four views currently prevalent in the West concerning citizen education: liberalism, republicanism , communalism, and pluralism.
  • The Essenes were Jews who were remarkably similar to the early Christians as evinced in their deemphasis upon property and wealth, their communalism and in their rejection of animal sacrifices.
  • The paper is a reflection on the four views currently prevalent in the West concerning citizen education: liberalism, republicanism , communalism, and pluralism.
  • You say you don't want war, but you encourage all the causes that breed war, like nationalism, communalism, and so on.
  • issues such as Punjab violence and communalism