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common ground - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of common ground in Hindi

  • सार्वजनिक भूक्षेत्र
  • तर्क के लिये सामान्य भूमि

common ground Definition


  • opinions or interests shared by each of two or more parties.

common ground Example

  • In these every colour and every shade of colour seem to have been tried in groat variety of combination with effects more or less pleasing, but transparent violet or purple appears to have been the most common ground colour. ( इन सभी रंगों में और रंग की हर छाया को प्रभाव के साथ संयोजन की विविधता में अधिक या कम सुखदायक होने की कोशिश की जाती है, लेकिन पारदर्शी बैंगनी या बैंगनी सबसे आम जमीन का रंग होता है। )
  • There is a fair amount of common ground that exists now, ( आम जमीन की एक उचित मात्रा है जो अब मौजूद है, )
  • The challenge of the conference will be to find common ground. ( सम्मेलन की चुनौती आम जमीन खोजने के लिए होगी। )

It assumes a multiplicity of class views, not just one class view though there may be much common ground. ( यह कक्षा के दृश्यों की एक बहुतायत मानता है, न केवल एक वर्ग का दृश्य हालांकि बहुत आम जमीन हो सकती है। )

More Sentence

  • Common ground between Miami and Boston is rare over this issue.
  • But there is also some common ground in the two approaches.
  • Even farm workers and the agricultural industry have found common ground.
  • Nationalism may prove the strongest common ground between Putin and parliament.
  • Their common ground is age and the inability to plan ahead.
  • It's difficult to see common ground in a sentence .
  • Further, when the two sides came to consider the results of their intellectual inheritance they found that they had sufficient common ground for the initial compromise.
  • The common ground that exists today is on partial birth abortion.
  • I liked what he said about staking out a common ground,
  • All we can do is try to find a common ground.
  • This happy little family of three find common ground in empathy.
  • We are required to find common ground and seek meaningful bipartisanship,
  • But the two films have found common ground in the courts.
  • Yet Democrats failed to seek common ground to achieve both ends.
  • In brief then the common ground of the Categories and the Metaphysics is the fundamental position that all things are substances having belonging to them universals and attributes, which have no separate being as Plato falsely supposed.
  • But we also have common ground that we can further expand.
  • It sounds to me like these gentlemen are approaching common ground,
  • I think both sides can realize that they have common ground.
  • The discovery : a lot more common ground than we expected.
  • The women found common ground in their love of the outdoors.
  • Here they at last find common ground _ free on all.
  • Then the Qataris will try to find common ground between them,
  • The men should find common ground in at least one area.
  • had established the cult of the Memphite Serapis in a GraecoEgyptian form, affording a common ground for native and Elellenistic worshippers.
  • The downstage scene is depicted as a common ground where the actors interact and live out there lives outside of the privacy of their own homes.  
  • A common ground previous to the Samaritan schism is ignored; it is found only in the period before the rival kingdoms. The political history of these ' In the art.
  • An accomplice can get into the witness box and give a whole lot of evidence that is common ground.  
  • In the name of my nephew, and all the other victims of this environment of fear, let us try to find common ground as a nation.  
  • He is willing with Hume to take the course of experience as the basis of his reasoning, seeing that it is common ground for himself and his antagonists.