colourful - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of colourful in Hindi
- रंग बिरंगा
- रंगीन
- चमकीला
- शानदार
- रंगीला
colourful Definition
- having much or varied color; bright.
- full of interest; lively and exciting.
colourful Example
- he gained a playboy reputation during a colorful bachelorhood. ( उन्होंने एक रंगीन स्नातक के दौरान एक प्लेबॉय प्रतिष्ठा प्राप्त की। )
- Dropping to one of the benches, she opened one of the books and leafed through the colorful pages, pausing when she recognized a plant. ( एक बेंच पर गिरते हुए, उसने किताबों में से एक को खोला और रंगीन पन्नों के माध्यम से पत्ती दी, जब उसने एक पौधे को पहचाना। )
- The colorful walls and frequently changing art on the walls (some of it is for sale) creates a fun atmosphere for this cozy joint. ( दीवारों पर रंगीन दीवारें और अक्सर बदलती कला (इसमें से कुछ बिक्री के लिए है) इस आरामदायक संयुक्त के लिए एक मजेदार माहौल बनाती है। )
- Dean searched for his wife but didn't spot Cynthia's colorful ski jacket among the pockets of viewers. ( डीन ने अपनी पत्नी की तलाश की, लेकिन दर्शकों की जेब के बीच सिंथिया की रंगीन स्की जैकेट नहीं मिली। )
More Sentence
- Her translator had been lost during restless sleep then crushed in her pacing, and the cell was littered with several dozen pieces of colorful clothing.
- Ashley wasn't in the room, though Jessi recognized some of her cousin's things: a pink cell phone charger, a backpack that yawned open to reveal clothes, the stack of colorful beaded bracelets on the arm of the couch.
- Removing the blood, she found every part of his exposed skin was covered in the colorful tattoos.
- Corn seasoned with red bell peppers and black beans made a colorful vegetable.
- So we jumped on the colorful bridge.
- She told me that in colorful terms.
- Nothing colorful to tell, I'm afraid.
- It's difficult to see colorful in a sentence .
- Here, colorful buttons lead to more information about the topic.
- Franz is a lot more colorful than Steven, they say.
- What other university in the country had such a colorful tradition?
- A large colorful shawl or stole can update an old coat.
- One Republican senator dismissed Lugar as far less colorful than boring.
- The papers wanted to offer papers in colorful, distinctive newsracks.
- My head was filled with colorful bits and pieces of memories.
- Colorful flowers bloomed in abundance.
- Colorful images that a child imagines.
- The game comes with 36 colorful wooden.
- Xander sifted through Ashley's colorful beads, uninterested.
- The orbs resembled marbles with colorful lights that danced.
- A truly colorful little creature Jessica.
- Layers of colorful rugs had been scattered.
- Wake up my dear, said the colorful man.
- She began to run along the colorful trail, a.
- His jaw had the beginning of a colorful bruise.
- The walls were decorated with colorful prints.
- The woman rummaged through the colorful attire in a frenzy until she retrieved and turned off a large old fashioned alarm clock.