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colonnade - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of colonnade in Hindi

  • कालनाड
  • समानांतर स्तंभ-पंक्ति
  • खंभों की पंक्ति
  • तरुमाला
  • स्तंभवली

colonnade Definition


  • a row of columns supporting a roof, an entablature, or arcade.

colonnade Example

  • Open for me a bucolic perspective as far as you can see, beneath a marble colonnade. ( जहां तक ​​आप देख सकते हैं, एक संगमरमर के उपनिवेश के नीचे मेरे लिए एक bucolic परिप्रेक्ष्य खोलें। )
  • He had worked long and hard on that effect for this colonnade, along with many musicians. ( उन्होंने कई संगीतकारों के साथ इस उपनिवेश के लिए उस प्रभाव पर लंबे समय तक और कड़ी मेहनत की थी। )
  • No one was on the path that went along the green river meadow, along the elm-tree colonnade. ( कोई भी उस रास्ते पर नहीं था जो हरी नदी के घास के मैदान के साथ-साथ, एल्म-पेड़ के उपनिवेश के किनारे पर था। )
  • The front façade of the mansion was white marble with broad steps, a portico, and a colonnade. ( हवेली का अग्रभाग सफ़ेद संगमरमर था जिसमें चौड़े कदम, एक पोर्टिको और एक उपनिवेश था। )
  • Now Ronald Reagan takes a final walk along the Colonnade to the West Wing and his cherished office. ( अब रोनाल्ड रीगन वेस्ट विंग और उनके पोषित कार्यालय के लिए कर्नलनेड के साथ अंतिम यात्रा करते हैं। )

More Sentence

  • added a colonnade and altars.
  • The Germans found remains of a Ptolemaic colonnade and streets in the north-east of the city, but little else.
  • He also encouraged architecture, and in particular constructed the beautiful colonnade in the piazza of St Peter's.
  • Among Bahkmar's specific career duties on the Al-Harron was to make sure, by constantly reviewing the software, the data, and the presentations, that the colonnade of the Haadij was the grandest.
  • As they filed into his parade ground up the grandest colonnade of all, there was music beyond music underneath it all, every patriotic theme there had ever been, somehow fused into one subliminal march.
  • In 497, the governor of the city, Alexander, built a covered gallery near the Grotto Gate and Public Baths, near the public storehouse; both the summer and winter baths were surrounded by a double colonnade.
  • The colonnade of the Haadij was the grandest of all and lead to this amphitheater from all directions.
  • For the Haadij, it was colonnade inspector, I went from one to another making sure his was the grandest.
  • The new houses were limited in height, built partly of hard stone and protected by open spaces and colonnades.
  • Since, however, other Greek temples had colonnades hardly less high, and were of equal or greater area, it has been suggested that the Ephesian temple had some distinct element of grandiosity, no longer known to us - perhaps a lofty sculptured parapet or some imposing form of podium.
  • The gate has been enlarged by two lateral colonnades, each supported by sixteen columns.
  • in what appears an impenetrable forest are found avenues of trees" like the colonnades of an Egyptian temple,"veiled in leafy shade, and opening" into aisles and corridors musical with many a murmuring fount "(Schweinfurth).
  • He has the clearance because he needs to continually verify the state of the Commander's entry colonnade.
  • So I exited the room and followed the colonnade out to the stair landing with Dorian as a silent escort at my side.
  • It was embraced by the two arms of the colonnade; beyond the pavilions groves of lime led to the wooded hillsides.
  • The sacred barks of the divinities preserved in the sanctuary of Karnak were then conveyed in procession by water to Luxor and back again; a representation of the festal scenes is given on the walls of the great colonnade.