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collective bargaining - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of collective bargaining in Hindi

  • सामूहिक सौदेबाजी
  • सामूहिक सौदाकारी

collective bargaining Definition


  • negotiation of wages and other conditions of employment by an organized body of employees.

collective bargaining Example

  • They included the first two collective bargaining agreements in 1968 and 1970. ( इनमें 1968 और 1970 में पहले दो सामूहिक सौदेबाजी समझौते शामिल थे। )
  • Much headway has been made in the establishment of the rule of collective bargaining in industry. ( उद्योग में सामूहिक सौदेबाजी के नियम की स्थापना में बहुत अधिक प्रगति की गई है। )
  • Collective bargaining is only right and fair, now that individual bargaining has gone by. ( सामूहिक सौदेबाजी केवल सही और निष्पक्ष है, अब व्यक्तिगत सौदेबाजी चल रही है। )
  • It is also presumed that the method of collective bargaining is accepted throughout industry. ( यह भी माना जाता है कि सामूहिक सौदेबाजी का तरीका पूरे उद्योग में स्वीकार किया जाता है। )
  • The plan is, therefore, a development of the principle of collective bargaining. ( इसलिए, योजना सामूहिक सौदेबाजी के सिद्धांत का विकास है। )

More Sentence

  • But will collective bargaining keep such an interdependent industrial society as our own at work peacefully?
  • Workers are protected by laws guaranteeing minimum wages, legal holidays, paid vacations, collective bargaining, and the right to strike.  
  • We believe it is a violation of the collective bargaining agreement.
  • The position became a model for similar collective bargaining clauses nationwide.
  • It is impossible to attempt to sketch here the development of the practice of collective bargaining, and the various concepts of industrial relationship to which the rise of trade unionism has given impulse.
  • We asked for a conference for the purpose of arranging a meeting where the questions of wages, hours, conditions of employment, and collective bargaining might be discussed.
  • There are a hundred good reasons why the principles of collective bargaining and the shorter workday should prevail in the steel industry of America, and only one why they should not.
  • Any job losses will be dealt with through collective bargaining and on a voluntary basis.  
  • The sum is the maximum allowed under the collective bargaining agreement.
  • NYSUT continued to expand collective bargaining rights for teachers as well.
  • The offer includes a 3.5 percent salary increase backdated to January and continuation of collective bargaining procedures.  
  • Their action also supports the settlement and the collective bargaining agreement.
  • They thought a new collective bargaining agreement would fix our problems.
  • The Fair Trade label would require growers to pay a fair wage and to permit collective bargaining.  
  • It could be a collective bargaining chip the owners are using.
  • Under the current collective bargaining agreement, major leaguers cannot be tested.
  • It's difficult to see collective bargaining in a sentence .
  • The psychologists do not become union members with collective bargaining rights.
  • That means that workers do not have the right to organise and conduct collective bargaining, which is something that we take for granted.  
  • Today my faith in the collective bargaining process has been reaffirmed,
  • Their collective bargaining agreement expired at the end of last season.
  • The limits of collective bargaining as a factor in industrial peace.  
  • California AB60 specifically excludes employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement.
  • Bieber oversaw a fourth round of collective bargaining talks in 1987.
  • He planned job actions and represented union members in collective bargaining.
  • Free agency became new to us under this collective bargaining agreement,
  • The collective bargaining agreement will be extended to cover that period.
  • The plan is, therefore, a development of the principle of collective bargaining.  
  • The absence of a collective bargaining agreement leaves us no choice,