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collation - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of collation in Hindi

  • मिलान
  • कलेवा
  • तुलना करना
  • परितुलन
  • ग्रंथेक्षण
  • पाठ-शोधन

collation Definition


  • the action of collating something.
  • a light informal meal.

collation Example

  • lunch was a collation of salami, olives, and rye bread. ( दोपहर के भोजन में सलामी, जैतून और राई की रोटी का एक संयोजन था। )
  • The text of the second was based on the fullest collation of MSS. ( दूसरे का पाठ एमएसएस के पूर्ण टकराव पर आधारित था। )
  • At the end of the collation the objects of this relentless pedagogical experiment were suddenly in the drawing room. ( टकराव के अंत में इस अथक शैक्षणिक उपयोग की वस्तुएं ड्राइंग रूम में अचानक आ गईं। )
  • The collation that you entered is incomplete or invalid. ( आपके द्वारा दर्ज किया गया कोलाज अधूरा या अमान्य है। )
  • Unrecognized unicode collation values, using default values. ( डिफ़ॉल्ट मानों का उपयोग करते हुए, गैर-मान्यता प्राप्त यूनिकोड टकराव मूल्य। )
  • The specified database collation name is not valid. ( निर्दिष्ट डेटाबेस कोलेशन नाम मान्य नहीं है। )

More Sentence 

  • Attempting to change default collation to % 1.
  • Have you completed the collation of this book?
  • Cannot resolve collation conflict for % ls operation.
  • We should affirm Wang Jipei's achievements on collation.
  • Objective : To evaluate the efficacy of collation tissue volume reduction of tonsils.
  • Sentencedict.com try its best to gather and build good sentences.
  • Existing researches mostly focus on the collation and variorum, the results of which are quite ample.
  • The accountant’s collation of this week’s numbers was listed from the smallest amount spent to the largest debit
  • We believe that collation and analysis of information by an independent national rapporteur on trafficking would be the best way forward.
  • Emma put a collation of her grandmother’s favorite recipes into an organized cookbook for her family members.
  • C. Thompson, who published their results in 1907 under the title, The Inscription of Darius the Great at Behistun, including a full illustrated account of the sculptures and the inscription, and a complete collation of the text.
  • To the technical philosophers, who strictly confine themselves to the logical collation and criticism of scientific methods, he has, contrariwise, not seemed philosophic enough.
  • Many countries have no laws governing the collation of personal information.
  • This project will finalise that collation and produce a summary document for use by policy makers and practitioners.
  • Lunch was a collation of local salami, black olives, spring onions and dark soft rye-bread.
  • At the end of the collation the objects of this relentless pedagogical experiment were suddenly in the drawing room.
  • Method 58 examples use peritoneoscope carries out department of gynaecology operation patient, the random is divided into (26 examples) interfering group (32 examples), the collation group.
  • In the center tap, sorting, and protection, promote local civil handicrafts theme took an active part in the civil handicrafts explore collation, production and market development work.
  • The UCA500R1 keyword plus any attributes form a UCA collation name.
  • The result has proved that RS theory can solve the problem of electronic countermeasures equipment collation with and qualitative quantitative methods.
  • Both of them have an important value on the study of phonology, philology and scholium . Based on the collation, this paper is to do a in-depth research from philology and scholium  
  • Objective : To evaluate the efficacy of collation tissue volume reduction of tonsils.
  • Existing researches mostly focus on the collation and variorum, the results of which are quite ample.
  • Other presses were at work in Italy; and, as the classics issued from Florence, Rome or Milan, Aldo took them up, bestowing in each case fresh industry upon the collation of codices and the correction of texts.
  • The whole of antiquity seemed precious in the eyes of its discoverers; and even a thinker so acute as Pico di Mirandola dreamed of the possibility of extracting the essence of philosophical truth by indiscriminate collation of the most divergent doctrines.