collagen - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of collagen in Hindi
collagen Definition
- the main structural protein found in skin and other connective tissues, widely used in purified form for cosmetic surgical treatments.
collagen Example
- she was given a collagen injection to smooth out wrinkles in her forehead ( उसके माथे में झुर्रियां मिटाने के लिए उसे कोलेजन इंजेक्शन दिया गया )
- During normal wound healing, from three days to three weeks, a period of proliferation occurs during which collagen deposition exceeds collagen deposition exceeds collagen lysis. ( सामान्य घाव भरने के दौरान, तीन दिनों से तीन सप्ताह तक, प्रसार की अवधि होती है, जिसके दौरान कोलेजन जमाव कोलेजन बयान से अधिक होता है। )
- Meat with large diameter collagen fibers tends to be tougher than meat with thinner collagen fibers. ( बड़े व्यास कोलेजन फाइबर के साथ मांस पतले कोलेजन फाइबर के साथ मांस की तुलना में कठिन हो जाता है। )
- fibre the crack to continue it would have to break through a web of collagen fibers. ( दरार को जारी रखने के लिए इसे कोलेजन फाइबर के एक वेब के माध्यम से तोड़ना होगा। )
More Sentence
- Outside the cell, collagen molecules become aligned in parallel formations, and then they link up laterally to form fibrils.
- Lots of these collagen fibrils are bound together to form collagen fibers that easily can be seen with a light microscope.
- These peptides will increase the skin's thickness, stimulate collagen fibroblasts, reduce wrinkles and generally improve the appearance of aging skin.
- The larger diameter collagen fibers formed from Type I collagen are not blackened by silver.
- Ligands for integrins include fibronectin, vitronectin, collagen and laminin.
- This prolonged collagen-producing process results in a fortuna scar.
- To mend the damage, fibroblasts slowly form the collagen scar.
- The collagen, mostly collagen type II, constrains the proteoglycans.
- The collagen, mostly collagen type II, constrains the proteoglycans.
- The achieved biocompatibility was comparable to the commercially available collagen membranes.
- Fibroblasts lay down collagen to reinforce the wound as myofibroblasts contract.
- Junctional epidermolysis bullosa is an inherited disease affecting laminin and collagen.
- TSP is also found in monocytes and endothelial cells and it binds to heparin, fibronectin and collagen (Lawler, 1986 ).
- Collagen is a protein type that helps to keep the skin smooth and supple by protecting its elasticity.
- The only antioxidant proven to increase collagen synthesis, it aids in the healing of minor cuts and wounds.
- Therapeutic doses are used in the treatment of post-surgical patients and burn victims, primarily to support collagen synthesis.
- The most likely cause behind skin problems in smokers is an increased production of harmful enzymes that break down collagen in the skin.
- It has special components that specifical y aim at the targeted areas in order to stimulate the skin to produce collagen and elasticity.
- We also believe that Nahep died from the disease, and that it causes the hardening of the skin and internal organs, by affecting collagen in some way.
- Look for one with antioxidants, the skin's major defense against free radicals and stress, and pentapeptides, which are a must-have when it comes to boosting collagen, the support structure that gives skin a firm, youthful appearance.
- In addition to this mineral component, the bone tissue matrix also contains type I collagen, a type of protein.
- Necessary to produce collagen, the connective material of all body tissues.
- collagen in the skin.