coincidence - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of coincidence in Hindi
- संयोग
- संपात
- योगानुयोग
- सन्निपात,
- मेल
- सन्निपतन
coincidence Definition
- a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection.
- correspondence in nature or in time of occurrence.
- the presence of ionizing particles or other objects in two or more detectors simultaneously, or of two or more signals simultaneously in a circuit.
coincidence Example
- it's no coincidence that this new burst of innovation has occurred in the free nations यह कोई संयोग नहीं है कि स्वतंत्र राष्ट्रों में नवाचार का यह नया विस्फोट हुआ है
- Was it merely coincidence that her lease would be up next Friday and the landlord was raising the rent? ( क्या यह केवल संयोग था कि उसका पट्टा अगले शुक्रवार को होगा और मकान मालिक किराया बढ़ा रहा था? )
- By coincidence, John and I both ended up at Yale. ( संयोग से, जॉन और मैं दोनों येल पर समाप्त हो गए। )
- By a strange coincidence we happened to be travelling on the same train. ( एक अजीब संयोग से हम एक ही ट्रेन में यात्रा करते हुए हुए। )
More Sentence
- It was pure coincidence that they were both in Paris on the same day.
- Meeting you here in Rome is a remarkable coincidence.
- This could be a coincidence[], but I think not.
- By coincidence, we both went to the same school.
- It may just have been a coincidence.
- Take, for instance, the case of the Strange Coincidence.
- It's no coincidence that most credit cards look alike.
- It was no coincidence, Faith House's Ryan said.
- It was no coincidence that the first two immediately followed sacks.
- Is that just a coincidence or the beginning of a pathology?
- It was no coincidence that the Iowa caucuses are coming up.
- It was a spooky coincidence.
- Dean presented the facts unemotionally but as soon as he mentioned Scranton, the old man caught the coincidence and could hardly contain himself.
- I think it no coincidence that they were all from Texas.
- And it was no coincidence that New York lost both contests.
- "It's just coincidence, basically,"
- Much depends on how the universe of possible coincidences is defined.
- It may be more than a coincidence that motherese emphasizes rhymes.
- It is no coincidence that the chains are eyeing Manhattan now.
- It's no coincidence that winning teams follow him around.
- "What an unfortunate coincidence, " she said.
- Showalter said, " is not a coincidence ."
- Now some might call that telepathy, others clairvoyance or precognition, or others dub it a trick or coincidence.
- Was it some twist on coincidence that we somehow, someway found each other?
- But how gullible do you have to be to believe that all these cases coming together is just coincidence?
- It's difficult to see coincidence in a sentence .
- Its remarkable buoyancy, and the Whaler's legendary unsinkability, was simply a coincidence.
- That's quite a coincidence, their being out here at the time we learn about the bones.
- It would seem no coincidence that the cool, passionless persona emerged at the time of the break-up of her marriage.
- 26 shows the metallic lines of comparison in coincidence whilst the solar and stellar lines are non-coincident.