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cohesion - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of cohesion in Hindi

  • एकजुटता
  • जुटना
  • लगाव
  • संयोग
  • सटाव
  • संशक्ति
  • संबंध

cohesion Definition


  • the action or fact of forming a united whole.

cohesion Example

  • the work at present lacks cohesion ( वर्तमान में काम सामंजस्य का अभाव है )
  • The members of the small police department are a cohesive team because they share the same values. ( छोटे पुलिस विभाग के सदस्य एक एकजुट टीम हैं क्योंकि वे समान मूल्यों को साझा करते हैं। )
  • The individuals were able to work together as a cohesive team despite their unique backgrounds. ( व्यक्ति अपनी अनूठी पृष्ठभूमि के बावजूद एक एकजुट टीम के रूप में काम करने में सक्षम थे। )
  • Even though my family is spread out across the country, we are cohesive because we stay in touch with each other.  ( भले ही मेरा परिवार देश भर में फैला हुआ है, हम एक-दूसरे के साथ संपर्क में रहते हैं, क्योंकि हम सामंजस्यपूर्ण हैं। )
  • The gradual development of cohesive political units with important leaders of lineages will have extended and strengthened this pattern. ( अलसी के महत्वपूर्ण नेताओं के साथ सामंजस्यपूर्ण राजनीतिक इकाइयों के क्रमिक विकास ने इस पैटर्न को बढ़ाया और मजबूत किया होगा। )

More Sentence

  • Highly cohesive groups display a strong loyalty to their members and a strong adherence to group norms.
  • This attitude leads to a cohesive approach to current controversies that transcends what is supposedly liberal or conservative about these issues.
  • It is such a cohesive, well-oiled unit that the band rarely has to call for outside assistance.
  • The two sentences are bound together by a cohesive tie.
  • A very cohesive group will demonstrate strong loyalty to its individual members and strong adherence to its established norms.
  • In 2 we examined the role of cohesive devices in creating coherence, but we also looked at their limitations.
  • The new manager changed a talented collection of individuals into a cohesive unit.
  • The strangers who came together for the course soon became a cohesive group.
  • One might argue that this feature of hypertext will for ever prevent it from being convertible into cohesive linear form.
  • Broadly speaking, the less social closure there is, the less cohesive the social class grouping will be.
  • Spain was quicker, more cohesive and sure on the ball.
  • It's difficult to see cohesive in a sentence .
  • Mix with dough hook on low speed until mixture is cohesive.
  • Combine liquid and dry ingredients and stir until dough becomes cohesive.
  • Kennedy said the decision-making process is becoming extremely cohesive.
  • I am very happy to form this cohesive and united Cabinet,
  • And historically, we have been a cohesive and stable society.
  • Any such large organizations may need only islands of cohesive leadership.
  • Consociationalism assumes that each group is cohesive and has strong leadership.
  • Guastavino wrote extensively about his system of " Cohesive Construction ".
  • But we're not a cohesive team at this point.
  • Yet despite these problems, the families were usually emotionally cohesive.
  • Both drafted players who would be molded into a cohesive unit.
  • A cohesive community is now splintered into different languages and beliefs.
  • A collection of star talent never developed into a cohesive team.
  • By reducing individual differences, these various groups become more cohesive.
  • This group contains extremely fine and consequently the most cohesive particles.
  • We shall return to the question of how awareness of cohesive devices may affect teaching practice in 11 and 13.
  • Le Rue the band are one of the tightest and most cohesive units I've seen.
  • What happens in this situation has been well documented: Each group becomes more cohesive, as members close ranks.
  • His immediate priority, though, was to weld a disparate group of men into a cohesive fighting force.