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coherence - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of coherence in Hindi

  • जुटना
  • अनुकूल होना
  • दस्त-बदस्त लड़ना
  • सुसंगति
  • सम्बद्धता
  • संपत्ति
  • मेल

coherence Definition


  • the quality of being logical and consistent.
  • the quality of forming a unified whole.

coherence Example

  • the group began to lose coherence and the artists took separate directions ( समूह ने सुसंगतता खोना शुरू कर दिया और कलाकारों ने अलग-अलग दिशा निर्देश दिए )
  • They have struggled to create coherence within the group. ( उन्होंने समूह के भीतर सामंजस्य बनाने के लिए संघर्ष किया है। )
  • He had a coherence of outlook and thought. ( उनके पास दृष्टिकोण और विचार का सामंजस्य था। )
  • The anthology has a surprising sense of coherence. ( एंथोलॉजी में सुसंगतता का आश्चर्यजनक अर्थ है। )
  • The coherence of his writing lies in his personality. ( उनके लेखन का सामंजस्य उनके व्यक्तित्व में निहित है। )

More Sentence

  • Amid all the varying and contradictory phenomena of the universe there is something which gives coherence and intelligibility to them.
  • Only senseless things, lacking coherence, presented themselves one after another to Prince Andrew's mind.
  • This would bring a greater coherence of worship among the chaos of local cults.
  • 1866), which, for precision of statement and logical coherence, is the most important of his works.
  • There's a strong sense of coherence in the school curriculum.
  • There was no coherence between the first and the second half of the film.
  • What kind of stability and coherence do we have?
  • Time works against understanding, coherence, and even meaning.
  • The first is the question of coherence, a worry which has already been encountered in connection with modular courses.
  • Meisel's second functional characteristic is coherence, which is rather more straight forward.
  • It is a challenge to tell these separate stories without losing overall coherence.
  • To what extent, therefore, should be continue to seek coherence of theme or form within the exhibition mode of exposition?
  • Meisel identifies three functional characteristics which-Mosca's elite has to have - group consciousness. coherence and conspiracy.
  • Records of achievement also play an important role ill developing this coherence.
  • To design something usually implies careful thought, preparation, organization, and coherence.
  • Furthermore, Oakeshott's notion of tradition does contain within it - in the idea of coherence - criteria of self-reflection.
  • But there is usually some semblance of coherence to the proceedings[Sentencedict.com], and a proper hook to draw us on.
  • A doctrine of creation could give coherence to scientific endeavor in so far as it implied a dependable order behind the flux of nature.
  • We have seen how coherence is created by our interaction with the text and is jointly created by both sender and receiver.