cobra - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of cobra in Hindi
- कोबरा
- नाग,
- फणधर
- काला सांप
- काला नाग
- फणी
- फनदार विपैला सांप
- करैत सांप
cobra Definition
- a highly venomous snake native to Africa and Asia that spreads the skin of its neck into a hood when disturbed.
- a yoga pose assumed by lying on one's stomach and raising one's upper body so as to curve it backwards, using one's arms and hands for support.
- (in the UK) a government committee, typically chaired by the prime minister or a senior minister, that is specially convened as a result of a major emergency in order to coordinate the response of the various government departments and agencies responsible for handling the situation.
cobra Example
- drop the pelvis and arch the back into cobra ( श्रोणि ड्रॉप और कोबरा में वापस आर्च )
- His reminded her of a cobra about to strike, though he'd pulled the gun up to his shoulder. ( उसके कोबरा ने उसे हड़ताल करने के बारे में याद दिलाया, हालांकि उसने बंदूक को अपने कंधे तक खींच लिया था। )
- Of these, several poisonous species exist, including the cobra and karait (Naja tripudians and Bungarus caeruleus). ( इनमें से कई ज़हरीली प्रजातियाँ मौजूद हैं, जिनमें कोबरा और करैत (नाज़ा ट्रूडूडियन और बुंगेरस कैरोएलेटिव) शामिल हैं। )
- Like the cobra, also, the haje has its fangs extracted by the jugglers of the country, who afterwards train it to perform various tricks. ( कोबरा की तरह ही, हजे के पास देश के बाजीगरों द्वारा निकाले गए नुकीले पत्थर हैं, जो बाद में इसे विभिन्न चालों को दिखाने के लिए प्रशिक्षित करते हैं। )
- During such periods of excitement it is even able, by the pressure of the muscles on the poison-duct, to eject the fluid to some distance; hence it shares with the cobra a third Dutch name, that of "spuw slang" (spitting snake). ( उत्तेजना की ऐसी अवधि के दौरान यह कुछ हद तक सक्षम है, जहर-नलिका पर मांसपेशियों के दबाव से, कुछ दूरी तक द्रव को बाहर करने के लिए; इसलिए यह कोबरा के साथ एक तीसरा डच नाम है, जो "स्पुव स्लैंग" (थूकने वाला सांप) है। )
More Sentence
- Among the Dravidians a cobra which is accidentally killed is burned like a human being; no one would kill one intentionally; the serpent-god's image is carried in an annual procession by a celibate priestess.
- It is absorbed by the conjunctiva, but, excepting cobra poison, not by the mouth or alimentary canal, provided there be no hollow teeth and no abrasions.
- The toxicity or relative strength of the cobra venom has been calculated to be sixteen times that of the European viper.
- The king wore special head- dresses and costumes, including the crowns of Upper and Lower Egypt (often united ~), and the cobra upon his forehead.
- Cobra goes kosher Whether you like your curry hot or mild, nothing goes finer with a good old ruby than some beer.
- The town is for the most part Head of Cobra.
- being, however, often applied also to the cobra.
- I know a Yogi who was bitten by a cobra, and who fell down on the ground.
- cobra coverage entitlement of The Holiday Shop World Choice chubb group.
- The king cobra is the largest venomous snake, growing up to 16 ft long.
- At many Siva temples and Cobra shrines, women are often seen in prayer or receiving the blessings of the attending priest.
- Holly’s hand moved, the lightning strike of the cobra.
- Cobra is on the hunt to fund an expansion in its 22 export markets.
- I saw a king cobra over there.
- As the cobra slithered in the tall grass, it sunk its fangs into the rabbit and killed it.
- The cobra is one of the world's deadliest snakes.
- Cobra is a comprehensive system for automated conformational analysis and 3-D structure generation using artificial intelligence techniques.
- And this cobra was pissed off.
- I nervously flicked the Cobra out.
- Cobra and there was nothing he could do.
- And maybe only the yellow cobra is more.
- The cobra had allergy against human-smell.
- Like I say, that voice would scare a cobra.
- According to Nin it was a young King Cobra.
- If it helps, my Cobra Guide is also a male.
- But driving a friend's Cobra replica around the club circuit at Silverstone was a real thrill.
- At Byblos she was a serpent-goddess whose cobra symbolized the eye of wisdom.
- Intruder jets from the aircraft carrier Ranger, and Cobra attack helicopters scoured the area for armed men.
- The King Cobra, or Hamadryad, is the largest of all poisonous snakes.
- The cobra sank its venomous fangs into his hand.
- Holly's hand moved, the lightning strike of the cobra.
- He took to the Cobra position as if it had been designed for him.
- It is then that the full impact of Cobra power is manifest.
- Torrence dances with the lithe contortions of a cobra.