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coals - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of coals in Hindi


coals Definition


coals Example

  • Coals vary much in calorific value, some producing only 12,000 B.Th.U. ( कोयले कैलोरी मान में बहुत भिन्न होते हैं, कुछ केवल 12,000 B.Th.U का उत्पादन करते हैं। )
  • In southern Otago the Oligocene beds are brown coals and lignites with oil shales, which, at Orepuki, contain 47% of oil and gas, with 8% of water. ( दक्षिणी ओटागो में ओलीगोसिन बेड भूरे रंग के कोयले और लिग्नाइट तेल के साथ होते हैं, जो कि ओरेपुकी में 8% पानी के साथ 47% तेल और गैस होते हैं। )
  • Long-wall work is best suited for thin coals, and those having a good roof, i.e. ( लंबी दीवार का काम पतले अंगारों के लिए सबसे उपयुक्त है, और अच्छी छत वाले हैं, अर्थात्। )
  • The earliest arrangement of this kind was patented by John Blenkinsop, of the Middleton Colliery, near Leeds, in 1811, and an engine built on his plan by Mathew Murray, also of Leeds, began in 1812 to haul coals from Middleton to Leeds over a line 32 m. ( इस तरह की सबसे पहली व्यवस्था 1811 में लीड्स के पास मिडलटन कोलियरी के जॉन ब्लेन्किंसोप द्वारा पेटेंट की गई थी, और मैथ्यू मुरैय द्वारा अपनी योजना पर बनाए गए एक इंजन, लीड्स की भी, 1812 में मिडलटन से लीड्स के लिए लीड करने के लिए कोयल की दौड़ शुरू हुई। लाइन 32 मीटर। )

More Sentence

  • But the value of the protectorate depends upon the carrying trade with Harrar and the supplying of victuals and coals to French warships.
  • Around Dundee and Newcastle the coals are bituminous.
  • The plural, coals, seems to have been used from a very early period to signify the broken fragments of the mineral as prepared for use.
  • There is generally a tendency in coals towards cleaving into cubical or prismatic blocks, but sometimes the cohesion between the particles is so feeble that the mass breaks up into dust when struck.
  • The proportion of carbon in bituminous coals may vary from 80 to 90% the amount being highest as they approach the character of anthracite, and least in those which are nearest to lignites.
  • oxygen and hygroscopic water are much higher than in true coals.
  • Lignites, as a rule, are generally found in strata of a newer geological age, but there are many instances of perfect coals being found in such strata.
  • An anthracite occurring in connexion with the old volcanic rocks of Arthur's Seat,Edinburgh, which contains a large amount of sulphur in proportion to the Caking coals.
  • Cannel coals are generally variable in quality, being liable to change into shales or black-band ironstones within very short horizontal limits.
  • Thomas, of the gases dissolved or occluded in coals from South Wales basin shows them to vary considerably with the class of coal.
  • Middle: Sandstones, marls, shales and the most important of the British coals.
  • Here there is an ascending sequence from the Calciferous Sandstone, through the Carboniferous Limestone with thin coals formerly worked, to the Coal Measures, the strata being inclined at high angles to the north.
  • Its present importance, however, rests on the commercial facilities afforded by its connexion with the North Sea and the Baltic through the Kaiser Wilhelm canal, by which transit trade is carried on in grain, timber, Swedish iron and coals.
  • Then, the angel fills the censer with fiery coals and hurls them upon the earth.
  • They are divisible into three parts, the Lower Coal Measures, the middle or Pennant, a mass of sandstone containing some coals, and the Upper Coal Measures, also containing workable coal.