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coalesce - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of coalesce in Hindi

  • सम्मिलित
  • संगठित होना
  • सम्मिलित होना
  • साथ बढ़ना
  • एक होना
  • संयुक्त होना
  • एक में मिलना
  • सम्मिलित हो जाना
  • संलीन हो जाना
  • एक हो जाना
  • इकठ्ठा होना

coalesce Definition


  • come together to form one mass or whole.

coalesce Example

  • Only as these islands coalesce is the full Madelung energy involved, producing the observed increase in adsorption heat with coverage. ( केवल इन द्वीपों के समतुल्य होने के कारण पूरी मैडेलंग ऊर्जा शामिल है, जो कवरेज के साथ सोखना गर्मी में बढ़ी हुई वृद्धि का उत्पादन करती है। )
  • Thus, the effect of socio-economic factors may coalesce with the effect of biological factors. ( इस प्रकार, जैविक कारकों के प्रभाव से सामाजिक-आर्थिक कारकों का प्रभाव कम हो सकता है। )
  • These coalesce into irregular, large maroon blotches when there's heavy infestation. ( जब भारी संक्रमण होता है, तो ये अनियमित, बड़े मैरून धब्बा में जमा होते हैं। )
  • The ingredients that were to coalesce into the new music were all there. ( नए संगीत में जो सामंजस्य स्थापित करना था, वे सभी वहीं थे। )
  • In aesthetic works and aesthetic experience, means and ends coalesce. ( सौंदर्य कार्यों और सौंदर्य अनुभव में, साधन और समाप्त होता है। )
  • His disciples coalesce around him as he lurches towards the inevitable. ( जैसे ही वह अपरिहार्य की ओर लपकता है, उसके शिष्यों ने उसके चारों ओर घेर लिया। )

More Sentence

  • They frequently coalesce into one another, and with the other primal images of desert and sea.
  • Although typically paired, the compound eyes may occasionally coalesce in the middle line into a single organ.
  • In the Ecaudata the radius and ulna coalesce into one bone.
  • Did the two natures coalesce in Jesus so as to constitute a single nature?
  • A few tried vainly to coalesce into a hardier entity.
  • Sentencedict.com is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
  • The environmental community, reeling from the failure of cap and trade, needed a fight around which to coalesce.  
  • Afterwards, coalesce into actions and plans.
  • Eventually, the gasses exsolve, forming vesicles, which may coalesce to form a central cavity in the pillow.  
  • Gas bubbles coalesce to grow as they rise.