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co-educational - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of co-educational in Hindi

  • सह-शिक्षा

co-educational Definition


  • the education of pupils of both sexes together.

co-educational Example

  • The college is coeducational and nonsectarian. ( महाविद्यालय सहशिक्षा और निरर्थक है। )
  • Now, the continuing gap in school test scores and exam results between boys and girls is prompting fresh questions about co-education. ( अब, लड़कों और लड़कियों के बीच स्कूल टेस्ट स्कोर और परीक्षा परिणाम में निरंतर अंतराल सह-शिक्षा के बारे में नए प्रश्नों का संकेत दे रहा है। )
  • There are many minor colleges and schools, most of them coeducational, and special colleges or academies for women are maintained by different religious sects. ( कई छोटे कॉलेज और स्कूल हैं, उनमें से अधिकांश सह-शिक्षा हैं, और महिलाओं के लिए विशेष कॉलेज या अकादमियां विभिन्न धार्मिक संप्रदायों द्वारा बनाए रखी जाती हैं। )
  • Lexington is the seat of Transylvania University (non-sectarian; coeducational), formerly Kentucky University (Disciples of Christ), which grew out of Bacon College (opened at Georgetown, Ky., in 1836), was chartered in 1858 as Kentucky University, and was opened at Harrodsburg, Ky., in 18J9, whence after a fire in 1864 it removed to Lexington in 1865. ( लेक्सिंगटन ट्रांसिल्वेनिया विश्वविद्यालय (गैर-सांप्रदायिक; सहशिक्षा), पूर्व में केंटकी विश्वविद्यालय (मसीह के शिष्य) की सीट है, जो बेकन कॉलेज (1836 में जॉर्ज टाउन, क्ये में खोला गया) से बाहर हो गया, 1858 में केंटकी विश्वविद्यालय के रूप में चार्टर्ड किया गया था। और 18ro में 1836 में, हैरड्सबर्ग, Ky में खोला गया था, 1864 में आग लगने के बाद 1865 में लेक्सिंगटन को हटा दिया गया था। )

More Sentence

  • He was thinking of what the promenade concert usually means to people who have been taught something by co-education.  
  • Columbia is the seat of the University of Missouri, a coeducational state institution, established in 1839 and opened in 1841; it received no direct financial support from the state until 1867, and its founding was due to the selfsacrifice of the people of the county.
  • It is the seat of Missouri Valley College (opened 1889;  
  • coeducational), which was established by the Cumberland Presbyterian church, and includes a preparatory department and a conservatory of music. The court-house (1883), a Roman Catholic convent and a high school (1907) are the principal buildings.
  • Stetson University (coeducational), an undenominational institution under Baptist control, founded in 1884, as an academy, by Henry A.
  • Although no panacea can be prescribed, co-education and free mingling of both sexes at the primary level would be of great help.  
  • Most of the educational institutions of the state are coeducational.
  • This week marks a new beginning for pupils and teachers alike as a new system of co-education begins in the town's two primary schools.  
  • While fraternities can be male-only or coeducational, sororities are only female in membership.
  • He neglects as well the rapid spread of secondary co-education in the 1970s and the backlash against it in some quarters in the last decade.  
  • Coeducation is very common in North America.
  • Do you think coeducation is a good model?
  • Coeducation gives kids the opportunity of growing in an atmosphere of diversity.
  • The tensions also affect the men who remain in school and prevail under coeducation.
  • In that context, 22-year-old Faulkner said the shaky start to coeducation at the Citadel was little wonder.
  • Boys or girls may be embarrassed by adolescent problems in coeducation schools.
  • My mother wants me to go to an all - girls school because she is against coeducation.
  • He said that coeducation or mixed-gender education thad taken place only among 150 students out of 20,000 students of the Higher Colleges of Technology.  
  • It is the seat of Hastings College (Presbyterian, coeducational), opened in 1882, and having 286 students in 1908, and of the state asylum for the chronic insane.