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clover - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of clover in Hindi

  • तिपतिया घास
  • तिपतिया
  • विलास
  • दूब

clover Definition


  • a herbaceous plant of the pea family that has dense, globular flower heads, and leaves that are typically three-lobed. It is an important and widely grown fodder and rotational crop.

clover Example

  • The hay made from clover, sainfoin and grasses under rotation generally gives a bigger average yield than that from permanent grass land. ( घूर्णन के तहत तिपतिया घास, सायफन और घास से बना घास आम तौर पर स्थायी घास की भूमि की तुलना में एक बड़ी औसत उपज देता है। )
  • Other species which have been recorded in the United Kingdom are Tylenchus devastatrix (Kuhn), on oats, rye and clover roots; T. ( अन्य प्रजातियां जो यूनाइटेड किंगडम में दर्ज की गई हैं, वे ओइल, राई और क्लोवर जड़ों पर टायलेनचस डेवास्टाट्रिक्स (कुह्न) हैं; टी )
  • Weston was ambassador from England to the elector palatine in 1619, and had the merit of being the first who introduced the great clover, as it was then called, into English agriculture, about 1652, and probably turnips also. ( वेस्टन 1619 में चुनावी तालुका में इंग्लैंड से राजदूत थे, और पहले होने का गुण था जिसने महान तिपतिया घास को पेश किया, जैसा कि तब कहा जाता था, अंग्रेजी कृषि में, लगभग 1652, और शायद शलजम भी। )
  • Blith's book is the first systematic work in which there are some traces of alternate husbandry or the practice of interposing clover and turnip between culmiferous crops. ( ब्लिथ की पुस्तक पहली व्यवस्थित कृति है जिसमें वैकल्पिक पति के कुछ निशान या क्लोवर और शलजम की फसल को बीच में लाने की प्रथा है। )
  • The greater part of the nitrogen of the cereals is, however, sold off the farm; but perhaps not more than to or 15% of that of either the root-crop or the clover (or other forage leguminous crop) is sold off in animal increase or in milk. ( हालाँकि, अनाज के नाइट्रोजन का अधिक हिस्सा खेत से बिकता है; लेकिन शायद रूट-क्रॉप या क्लोवर (या अन्य फ़ॉरेस्ट लेग्युमिनस फ़सल) की 15% से अधिक या उससे अधिक नहीं, पशु वृद्धि या दूध में बेची जाती है। )

More Sentence

  • Grain of all kinds (chiefly rye), clover and potatoes are grown.
  • Rather, you shoot good luck four-leaf clovers at the Care Bears below, so that they can avoid the obstacles on their own.
  • Can you taste the clover in it?
  • Thoughtfully, Hera pulled a tuft of clover from the ground and offered it.
  • Buttercups, daisies, cranesbill, the red purple of clover, all were pushing through the new grass of the meadows.
  • As I was walking back up the hill, I found a four-leaf clover.
  • He sampled 50 white clover clones from a grid covering the whole field.
  • Forage crops like clover and alfalfa could be planted.
  • Beaver: Oh look, Henry! Your favorite! Nice juicy clover!
  • She remembered the vetch, clover, wild roses, flowering grasses and blackberry flowers of early July.
  • Grass and clover grow well – good for dairymen.
  • Within the arable area the greatest changes have been the increase of cereals and the decline of the one-year clover ley.