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close to - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of close to in Hindi

  • के करीब

close to Definition


close to Example

  • Good, now stick close to the wagons. ( अच्छा है, अब वैगनों के करीब रहना। )
  • He took Carmen by the hand and leaned close to her ear. ( उसने कारमेन को हाथ से पकड़ लिया और उसके कान के पास झुक गया। )
  • When she decided Yancey wasn't around, she started down the path, keeping close to the trees without breaking her promise not to wander in the woods. ( जब उसने फैसला किया कि Yancey आसपास नहीं है, उसने जंगल में भटकने के अपने वादे को तोड़ने के बिना पेड़ों के करीब रखते हुए, रास्ता बंद कर दिया। )
  • One evening, close to suppertime, Lisa, Tammy and Sarah were lounging around the pool. ( एक शाम, सपोर्ट के करीब, लिसा, टैमी और सारा पूल के चारों ओर घूम रहे थे। )
  • I'm too close to my goal to give up now. ( मैं अब हार मानने के अपने लक्ष्य के बहुत करीब हूं। ) 

More Sentence

  • She'd been too tired and cold to remember just how close to home she was.
  • We want to get close to where people really are ."
  • These men pressed close to the wall to let Pierre and Anna Mikhaylovna pass and did not evince the least surprise at seeing them there.
  • Melinda's soap history begins very close to home.
  • One look at Dean told her she was getting close to home.
  • For California residents, there are centers close to home in all parts of the state.
  • There's a lot more to it than that, however, and you may decide that the fiscal way to go is close to home.
  • Many students enroll to take their first two-year college requirements while staying close to home and avoiding higher fees.