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close by - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of close by in Hindi

  • पास में

close by Definition


  • at a short distance away

close by Example

  • Why, I'd use a pay phone and one not too close by! ( क्यों, मैं एक भुगतान फोन का उपयोग करेगा और एक भी पास नहीं होगा! )
  • Neighbours by definition live close by . ( परिभाषा के अनुसार पड़ोसी पास-पास रहते हैं। )
  • What she saw today was proof that she needed it close by. ( आज उसने जो देखा वह इस बात का प्रमाण था कि उसे इसकी आवश्यकता थी। )
  • A few cars passed close by me. ( कुछ कारें मेरे करीब से गुजरीं। )
  • 1751), and his second wife, who had a mansion close by. ( 1751), और उनकी दूसरी पत्नी, जिनके पास एक हवेली थी। )
  • From some place close by she heard agonized sobbing. ( करीब से कुछ जगह उसने सुना तड़प रहा था। )

More Sentence

  • The result tended to show it was relatively close by.
  • The ceremony was brought to a close by the singing of the national anthem.
  • He stopped playing, turned on the piano bench and pulled her close by her waist.
  • Keep close by the leader and then you won't lose your way.
  • Thinking back, it seemed her mother always had a cup of coffee close by.
  • Suddenly, a car horn sounded from close by.
  • The much-venerated monastery, Optina Pustyn, is close by.
  • When living close to human habitations, the wildcat can be a serious poultry predator.  
  • The town is a bathing resort, as is Elisenlund close by.
  • defeated the Spaniards in a naval action close by.