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chirp - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of chirp in Hindi

  • कलरव
  • कूजन
  • कलरव
  • चहचहा
  • चहक
  • चीं-चीं


  • गरमागरम
  • ज़िंदादिल


  • चहकना
  • चहचहाना
  • कूजन करना
  • चूं-चूं करना
  • चीं-चीं करना

chirp Definition


  • (typically of a small bird or an insect) utter a short, sharp, high-pitched sound. ( (आम तौर पर एक छोटे पक्षी या एक कीट) एक छोटी, तेज, उच्च पिच वाली ध्वनि। )


  • a short, sharp, high-pitched sound. ( एक छोटी, तेज, ऊँची आवाज़। )

chirp Example

  • His monotonous chirp sounded precisely like the shooting noise in Space Invaders. ( उसका नीरस चहक स्पेस हमलावरों में शूटिंग के शोर की तरह ठीक लग रहा था। )
  • ‘That's just behind the bakery where your grandma used to get her morning rolls,’ she'll chirp , as the guy you've never seen before is revealed as having been the baddie all along. ( ‘यह उस बेकरी के ठीक पीछे है जहां आपकी दादी उसे सुबह रोल दिलाने के लिए आती थी, 'वह चहकती है, जिस आदमी को आपने पहले कभी नहीं देखा है, वह सब के साथ बैडी होने के रूप में प्रकट होता है। )
  • Then Kitten rolled her eyes back in her head, and gave a small sound that might have been a chirp or a squeal. ( फिर बिल्ली के बच्चे ने उसकी आँखों को वापस उसके सिर में घुमाया, और एक छोटी सी आवाज़ दी जो शायद चीप या चीख़ी हो। )
  • It wasn't the stark buzz of a bee, or the sharp chirp of a grasshopper - it was the simple, quiet hum of a butterfly. ( यह मधुमक्खी की तीखी भिनभिनाहट, या टिड्डे का तेज चीप नहीं था - यह एक तितली का सरल, शांत कूबड़ था। )

More Sentence

  • Tern rubbed his neck as though he had hurt it in the fall, made a little consoling noise like a chirp to himself, and glanced at her curiously.
  • It's difficult to get anywhere in the woods if you choose to stop every time you hear a chirp or a song.
  • Hearing a chirp and a buzzing sound on my right, I turned my head.
  • A single chirp is a short series of sound pulses followed by silence.
  • Here discourse is always already reduced to silence, the dumbness of a chirp , the murmur of a coo.
  • ‘The audience will have to move from spot to spot, to watch the scenes enacted in different parts of the compound,’ the children chirp in glee.
  • She heard the late birds chirp , the crickets whistle, the stray dogs howl.
  • ‘I want to be a doctor when I grow up and I'll miss her when she's gone,’ she cheerfully chirped .
  • ‘Desalination’, the kids chirped , to the applause of the audience.
  • ‘Seal's destroyed though,’ Chris chirped cheerfully before turning doubtful eyes on Aaron.
  • Are those chirpers supposed to be a ‘birds-behind-bars’ metaphor?
  • It's during this time that male humpbacks emit vocalizations that sound, at least to human ears, like barks, chirps , and moans.
  • The bigger trees were swaying easily in the cool breeze, their leaves making a gentle swooshing sound that would mix with the voices of small birds chirping back and forth to one another.
  • And Sunny here, Sunny is the resident chirper .
  • Thankfully, one rather knowledgeable chirper stopped by the office today with a short but concrete message about AMD's Opteron plans.
  • I hear the sound of birds chirping , the sound of the occasional mutt barking.
  • The ants' communication sounds like high-pitched, rhythmical chirps .
  • The music of James Lucas, a 20-year-old from Bristol, chirps , chimes, buzzes and brims with otherworldly eeriness.
  • The melody is madly inventive and celebratory, and the singers careen around utterly at home in this mirror-world of whistles, chirps , flutes and cymbals.
  • ‘I don't like you,’ one little girl chirped after throwing toy aeroplanes at him.
  • We were shown into a smart little auditorium where big speakers were pumping out relaxing little sounds of birds chirping and water trickling.
  • The crickets and cicadas were already revved up outside, making their chirps and clicks that used to drive me nuts back home.
  • He had Leira in the car with him, and she happily chirped a ‘hello’ to Lauren.
  • The birds are chirping merrily and I can hear the usual sound of motor cars hustling to reach wherever it is that their drivers need to get to.
  • Elongated roars and fragments of voices gave a sense of atmospheric portent, while syncopated pings, clicks and chirps added a desultory counterpoint.
  • ‘Why Adele you're looking just lovely,’ Ben chirped , grinning like a moron and eyeing off the tracksuit pants Adele was sporting.